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Log Update Item Premium Addons PRO for Elementor
This page only show history update item Premium Addons PRO for Elementor.

- Tweak: Make sure Custom Mouse Cursor addon JS files are loaded only if the addon is used on a page.

- Fixed: Navigation Arrows/Dots not working properly on touch devices in Horizontal Scroll widget.

Fixed: Fatal error due to Image Accordion widget since v2.8.4.

Fixed: Icons in Icon Box widget always dissappear if Draw SVG option is disabled.

- New: Added Draw Icon option in all widgets that has Icon option in them.

- Tweak: Added Horizontal/Vertical Alignment options for multi-layers in Parallax addon.

- Fixed: Conflict between Custom Mouse Cursor addon and WP Rocket Defer JS files option.

- Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor v3.7.0.

- Fixed: Freehand Positioning feature not working when the device mode is changed in the editor page.

- Tweak: Facebook Feed widget styling improved for RTL sites.

- Fixed: Conflict with Elementor Pro templates.

- Fixed: Even layout not working with Carousel Infinite Autoplay in social reviews widgets.

- Fixed: Carousel Navigation Arrows color/size controls not working in Instagram Feed widget.

Fixed: PHP warning since v2.8.0

- Tweak: Apply Custom Mouse Cursor on full page or the entire website - [here](

- Tweak: Added responsive controls to Number of Columns option in Behance Feed widget.

- Fixed: Carousel Tabs option applied on nested tabs.

- Fixed: Unnecessay Elementor placeholder images added to the Media Library after importing templates.

- Fixed: Multi Scroll widget not working with Elementor custom breakpoints.

- Fixed: Ken Burns addon not showing images properly on small screens.

- Fixed: Hover Box widget not working properly on iOS devices.

- Tweak: Add responsive controls for image control in Ken Burns section/column addon.

- Fixed: Horizontal/Vertical Offset option not working for social icon in all Social Reviews widgets.

- Fixed: Horizontal Offset and z-index options not working for Fixed Content template in Horizontal Scroll widget.

- Fixed: Console error in Charts widget.

Tweak: Code improvements for better performance and loading speed.