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Log Update Item Premium Addons PRO for Elementor
This page only show history update item Premium Addons PRO for Elementor.

- Tweak: Added custom size unit for range controls in some widgets.

- Tweak: Load posts only if they have body text in Facebook Feed widget.

- Fixed: Load Chart On option not working in Charts widget.

- Fixed: Fatal error in Tabs widget when an image icon with empty image is added.

- New: Added Magnet Effect in Custom Mouse Cursor addon - [here](

- Tweak: Magic Scroll addon performance improved.

- Fixed: Draw SVG not working on the editor page with multiple SVGs in Magic Scroll addon.

- Fixed: Transition is added to Icon Box widget when used with Magic Scroll addon.

- Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor v3.8.0

- Fixed: Ken Burns section/column addon not working with recent Elementor versions.

- Tweak: Added caching option in Instagram Feed widget to improve the feed performance and loading speed.

- Tweak: Added Close On Click Outside option in Magic Section widget.

- Fixed: Icon styling not applied properly on SVG icons in Divider widget.

- Fixed: Mouse tilt option not working since Premium Addons for Elementor v4.9.35.

- Fixed: Feed is not showing if Posts/Account option value is larger than the posts returned by Facebook.

- Fixed: Alignment option not working properly for multi-line values in Table widget.

- Fixed: Console error when SVG Draw option is disabled for Parallax addon.

- Fixed: SVG Draw option not working for Font Awesome icons in Icon Box widget.

- Fixed: Applying global background colors not working in Magic Section widget.

- Fixed: Icon color applied on Lottie animation in Hover Box widget.

- Tweak: Behance Feed widget now loads feed on scroll, not on page load.

- Fixed: PHP warning after v2.8.7.