* Fixed : Edit Revision - revisions could not be updated unless SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled on the site
* Fixed : Revisions could not be scheduled if Settings > Revisions > Revision Submission is disabled
* Fixed : Published custom post types not listed to Revisors under some configurations (Permissions integration requires Permissions 3.6.4)
* Fixed : Multisite - network-wide settings screens were non-functional
* Fixed : Revisions Queue empty on sites with a large number of published posts
* Compat : WooCommerce - Hide Product Variations, Linked Products tabs when editing a Product Revision
* Fixed : Classic Editor - Error submitting a pending or scheduled revision
* Compat : Google Site Kit - PHP error
* Compat : WPML Translation Management - Don't set "Needs Update" flag for images, other attachments
* Change : Maintenance queries run at plugin activation to convert version 3.0 revisions back to 2.6 encoding
* Compat : WPML Translation Management - When a revision is published, set "Needs Update" flag of translations
* Compat : WPML Translation Management - Revisions Settings screen includes link to sync "Needs Update" flags by comparing post_modified dates. Needed if revisions of source posts were approved with earlier versions of PublishPress Revisions
* Fixed : Pending / Scheduled Revisions could become disassociated from main post due to third party plugin interactions
* Compat : Permissions - Specific Permissions were not applied for editing / approval of custom post types under some conditions
* Fixed : Revision Update triggered redirect back to Revision Queue even if "Confirmation redirect on Revision Update" setting disabled
* Fixed : Users without full editing capabilities could not submit a pending revision with a future date selection
* Fixed : Revision Previews were cached on some browsers
* Fixed : Preview of front page revisions did not trigger front page template display
* Fixed : Pro - Revision Previews did not display unmodified custom field data under some conditions
* Compat : Pro - Advanced Custom Fields taxonomy field values were not loaded for Revision Preview on some sites
* Compat : Pro - Advanced Custom Fields specific to front page were not loaded in revision editor on some sites
* Fixed : Bulk Approval of revisions failed / caused PHP Notice on some sites due to post type not being registered early enough
* Fixed : Pending Revision checkbox default selection from 'revisionary_default_pending_revision' filter application did not trigger revision submission
* Lang : Revision Queue - Remove sample English translation "My Revisionz"