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Log Update Item PublishPress Revisions Pro
This page only show history update item PublishPress Revisions Pro.

* Feature : Deletion Requests, Deletion Queue (enable in Revisions > Settings > Options)

* Fixed : Scheduled Revisions missed by WP-Cron were not rescheduled. To disable auto-reschedule, define constant REVISIONARY_DISABLE_WP_CRON_RESTORATION

* Fixed : Revisions Queue table was missing a "check all" box

* Fixed : Fatal error on revision approval on some sites

* Fixed : Encoded quotation mark in revision approval email notice

* Compat : Elementor - Revision preview had incorrect styling under some configurations

* Compat : Polylang - Revision publication cleared translation associations

* Compat : Relevanssi - If filtering is enabled for admin searches, Submitted / Scheduled Revisions are included in search results 

* Compat : PublishPress Future - Attempted revision of post expiration settings caused unexpected behavior; disable for now

* API : Classic Editor revision editor supports filter revisionary_submit_revision_metabox_classic

* Fixed : PHP 8 - Unresponsive elements in post editor due to Javascript loading failure

* Fixed : Avoid fatal error on plugin activation if loading sequence is non-standard

* Compat : Elementor styling was not applied to revision previews

* Compat : WP Buddy Rich Snippets - PHP error "The script tried to modify a property on an incomplete object" on revision creation

Change : Support detection / indication of custom WP-Cron implementations when DISABLE_WP_CRON is set

* Fixed : Approve Revision button in Gutenberg editor did not work

* Fixed : Submit Revision button in Gutenberg editor failed under some conditions

* Fixed : Detection of DISABLE_WP_CRON constant

* Fixed : Administrators did not receive revisions submission notifications under some configurations

* Fixed : Revision Queue column ordering / filtering links didn't work as expected in some use cases

* Fixed : When previewing a scheduled revision that has been published, "Edit" link in top bar had invalid URL

* Fixed : If free plugin is activated, deactivation of Pro plugin hides all revisions

* Compat : WooCommerce - Product Variation revisions were not applied to published product under some conditions

* Compat : Yoast SEO: PHP Notices on revision creation / submission

* Lang : Update Spanish, Italian translations

* Compat : Beaver Builder - When editing a revision with BB, submit button did not work

* Compat : Divi - When editing a revision with Divi, submit worked but did not redirect to Submitted Revision preview

* Compat : Elementor - When editing a revision with Elementor, submit worked but did not redirect to Submitted Revision preview

Fixed : Revision scheduling left a future date selection in editor. If the post is updated again without reloading the editor, it is unpublished until the selected date