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Log Update Item Gravity View – The best way to display Gravity Forms entries
This page only show history update item Gravity View – The best way to display Gravity Forms entries.

* Fixed: The Gravity Forms widget in the View editor would always use the source form of the View

* Fixed: The field picker didn't use available translations

* Fixed: Importing [exported Views]( failed when Custom Content or [DIY Layout]( fields included line breaks.

* Fixed: When first installing GravityView, the message was for an invalid license instead of inactive.

* Fixed: The "Affiliate ID" setting would not toggle properly when loading GravityView settings. [P.S. — Become an affiliate and earn money referring GravityView!](

* Tweak: Changed the icon of the Presets preview

* Fixed: Add latest Yoast SEO scripts to the No-Conflict approved list

* Fixed: Updating an entry with a multi-file upload field may erase existing contents when using Gravity Forms 2.5.8

* Added: Settings to customize "Update", "Cancel", and "Delete" button text in Edit Entry

* Improved: Much better Gravity Forms Survey Add-On integration! [Learn more in the release announcement](

  • Ratings can be displayed as text or stars
  • Multi-row Likert fields can be shown as Text or Score
  • Improved display of a single row from a multi-row Likert field
  • Single checkbox inputs are now supported

* Improved: Search widget clear/reset button behavior

* Improved: Allow unassigning an entry's Entry Creator when editing an entry

* Improved: When editing an entry, clicking the "Cancel" button will take you to the prior browser page rather than a specific URL

* Improved: Conditionally update "Clear Search" button text in the Search Bar

* Fixed: When Time fields were submitted with a single `0` for hour and minute inputs, instead of displaying midnight (`0:0`), it would display the current time

* Fixed: Delete Entry links did not work when custom entry slugs were enabled

* Fixed: Editing an entry in Gravity Forms that was created by a logged-out user forced an entry to be assigned to a user

* Fixed: Missing download/delete icons for file upload field in Edit Entry when running Gravity Forms ≥

* Fixed: A broken German translation file caused a fatal error (only for the `de_DE` localization)

* Updated: Dutch translation (thanks René S.!) and German translation (thanks Aleksander K-W.!)

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `gravityview/template/field/survey/glue` filter to modify how the multi-row Likert field values are combined. Default: `; `

* Modified: `templates/deprecated/fields/time.php` and `templates/fields/field-time-html.php` to include the commented `strtotime()` check

* Modified: `includes/extensions/edit-entry/partials/form-buttons.php` to add Cancel button enhancements

* Fixed: `gravityview/search/sieve_choices` didn't filter by Created By

* Fixed: `\GV\Utils::get()` didn't properly support properties available using PHP magic methods. Now supports overriding using the `__isset()` magic method.

* Updated: EDD auto-updates library to version 1.8