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Log Update Item Gravity View – The best way to display Gravity Forms entries
This page only show history update item Gravity View – The best way to display Gravity Forms entries.

* Added: Support for displaying WebP images

* Improved: Internal logging of notices and errors

* Fixed: Images hosted on Dropbox sometimes would not display properly on the Safari browser. Thanks, Kevin M. Dean!

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `GravityView_Image::get_image_extensions()` static method to fetch full list of extension types interpreted as images by GravityView.

* Added: `webp` as a valid image extension

* Fixed: Empty values in search widget fields may return incorrect results

__Developer Updates:__

Added: `gravityview/search/ignore-empty-values` filter to control strict matching of empty field values

* Fixed: Potential fatal error on PHP 8 when exporting View entries in CSV and TSV formats

* Fixed: Search widget would cause a fatal error when the Number field is used with the "is" operator

* Fixed: Search widget returning incorrect results when a field value is blank and the operator is set to "is"

* Fixed: Gravity Forms widget icon not showing

* Fixed: Gravity Forms widget not displaying available forms when the View is saved

Fixed: Deprecated filter message when adding fields to the View

* Added: `{is_starred}` Merge Tag. [Learn more about using `{is_starred}`](

* Fixed: Media files uploaded to Dropbox were not properly embedded

* Fixed: JavaScript error when trying to edit entry's creator

* Fixed: Recent Entries widget would cause a fatal error on WP 5.8 or newer

* Fixed: When using Multiple Forms, editing an entry in a joined form now works properly if the "Edit Entry" tab has not been configured

* Fixed: View settings not hiding automatically on page load

* Fixed: View scripts and styles would not load when manually outputting the contents of the `[gravityview]` shortcode

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `gravityview/shortcode/before-processing` action that runs before the GravityView shortcode is processed

* Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/cancel_onclick` filter to modify the "Back" link `onclick` HTML attribute

- Modified: `/includes/extensions/edit-entry/partials/form-buttons.php` file to add the filter

* Fixed: Edit Entry would not accept zero as a value for a Number field marked as required

* Modified: Refined the capabilities assigned to GravityView support when access is granted using TrustedLogin. Now our support will be able to debug theme-related issues and use the [Code Snippets]( plugin.

* Fixed: Entry Approval not working when using DataTables in responsive mode (requires DataTables 2.4.9 or newer).

* Modified: Refined the capabilities assigned to GravityView support when access is granted using TrustedLogin. Now our support will be able to debug theme-related issues and use the [Code Snippets]( plugin.

__Developer Updates:__

* Updated: Upgraded to [Fancybox 4](

* Updated: [TrustedLogin Client]( to Version 1.0.2.

* Modified: Added Code Snippets CSS file to No Conflict allow list.

* Modified: Moved internal (but public) method `GravityView_Admin_ApproveEntries::process_bulk_action` to new `GravityView_Bulk_Actions` class.

<p>* Improved: Views now load faster due to improved template caching.</p><p>* Added: Ability to configure an "Admin Label" for Custom Content widgets. This makes it easier to see your widget configuration a glance.</p><p>* Fixed: Issue where non-support users may see a "Revoke TrustedLogin" admin bar link.</p>