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WP Job Manager Apply With Facebook - V1.1.0

Version: 1.1.0

Item cover for download WP Job Manager Apply With Facebook


With the Apply with Facebook plugin, candidates will be able to apply to a job using their Facebook profile. The plugin simply allows candidates to login with their Facebook account, accept a few permissions and then apply!

Setup your Facebook App
Once installed, you’ll need to create an app in Facebook Developers. Click Add a new App to get started and then choose ‘Website’.


You should then enter an app name. You can then click Create App in the popup.

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You can ignore the next page, so just hit Skip Quick Start to finish the app creation.


The important part is here. You’ll be able to see your App ID at the top of the page, just beneath the app title. Copy this.


Now head over to your site. In the admin, go to Job Listings > Settings > Apply with Facebook and enter in your App ID.

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There are a couple other settings worth noting too.

Cover Letter Field: You can choose whether or not the ‘cover letter’ field is visible when someone applies with Facebook. It can either be optional, required or hidden.

Allow Facebook Field: Add a field to the job submission form, allowing employers to enable/disable Facebook applications.

Let’s go back to Facebook now. Under Settings for your app, you should set a Namespace and Contact Email.


You then need to click + Add Platform and choose Website. Fill in your site URL and save.

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The button should now be working on your site.

Submit for Login Review
Note: You’ll want to do the app approval as explained below before it will work for candidates. You (the app creator) can still test it out before hand, but for candidates to use it, the app should be submitted to and approved by Facebook (quick process).

If you try it out, you’ll probably see something like this:

Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 2.16.30 pm

Which is basically asking you to submit your app for login review. To get certain information that’s useful for the application, we need to ask the candidate for access to their work and education information, both of which prompt Facebook to ask us to request app approval.

It’s easy enough! Click Submit for review now to get started.

You’ll be asked to choose which permissions you need. These are the ones we want to get:
Select those and then you’ll be asked for a few more things before submitting the app:
App Icon
Long Description
Privacy Policy URL
Then go back to Status & Review > Items in Review. The last thing Facebook wants is for you to provide Notes on each item, which will pop up in a window like this:

For each, you should check “Adds people’s information to an account or profile” and choose the web platform. Then, record a screencast of you applying for a job on your site using Facebook. You can upload the screencast to a service like YouTube or CloudUp and send in that URL.

That should be enough to get approved
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20 Oct 2019 - Version 1.1.0
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