* Fix: Modal Box - Text align under button typography fields was not working
* Fix: Content Ticker - PHP warning in WPML translation editor screen
* Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue for layout 3
* Fix: Info Box - Missing title prefix after the recent update
* Fix: Content Grid - Filter issue in some cases after the recent update
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Submit button styles were not working when the button location is set to end of the last row (inline) in GF 2.6.x
* Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_post_query_args
* Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_taxonomy_query_args
* Development: Added filter hook pp_prev_icon_svg
* Development: Added filter hook pp_next_icon_svg
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
* Enhancement: FAQ - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to open the link in new window
* Fix: Content Grid - Taxonomy filters were not reappearing when resizing the window from responsive to large in some cases
* Fix: Countdown - PHP warning in frontend.js.php due to empty "fixed date - month" field
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Leaving icon size field empty breaks the page on the sites running PHP 8
* Development: FAQ - Added filter hook pp_faq_items
* Development: Video Gallery - Added filter hook pp_video_gallery_items
Hotfix: Photo Gallery - Images disappeared in justified layout
* Fix: Content Grid - Pagination was not working properly when using custom query on category archives
* Fix: Content Grid - PHP warning after recent update
* Fix: Animated Headlines - Shortcodes were not working in the text field
* Fix: Table - File field value in ACF repeater was not getting outputted
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Filter by URL was not working sometimes in Firefox
* Enhancement: Maintenance Mode - Added scheduling feature
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Slide can be swiped using the URL hash in carousel
* Enhancement: Coupon - Added more position options for discount code and offer info
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - Added form width and alignement options
* Enhancement: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added background color option for individual logo item
* Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added package title padding option for individual package item
* Fix: Logos Carousel - Update number of slides on window resize
* Fix: Contact Form - Empty message body getting sent in the email content when the message field is hidden
* Fix: Content Grid - Filters were not working when taxonomy terms slugs are in non-English letters
* Fix: Content Grid - FontAwesome CSS was not loading when using font awesome icon in the custom layout
* Fix: Hotspot - Trouble getting tooltip in touch devices when tooltip display setting is set to hover
* Fix: Social Share - Wrong sharing URL on user profile page by Ultimate Member plugin
* Fix: Breadcrumbs - Alignment setting was not working for responsive devices
* Fix: Info List - Removed empty CSS output for title margin
* Fix: Social Share - Facebook Messenger sharing was no longer working on mobile
* Fix: Timeline - Timeline items not loading in Off-Canvas panel
* Fix: Info List - Icon alignment issue when the whole box is linked
* Development: Registration Form - Added filter hook pp_rf_email_fields
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to provide custom separator for taxonomy terms
* Fix: Row Animated Background - Fix background size issue when using an image as background
* Fix: Added missing strings in French translations (props: Emmanuel SOYER)
* Fix: WPForms - Removed empty custom title and description HTML tags
* Fix: Countdown Timer - Expiry message for the fixed timer shows Unfefined in some cases
* Fix: Video - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
* Fix: Video Gallery - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
* Fix: Hotspot - PHP warning in some cases
* Fix: Custom Link field in media modal was not showing when Envira Gallery plugin is active
* Enhancement: Image - Introducing CSS class "shrink-header-fix" to override custom width when module is used inside shrinkable header
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Padding wasn't getting applied on input fields in some cases
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Responsive submenu background color was not working in some cases
* Fix: Contact Form 7 - Column classes were not working in some cases
* Fix: Highlight Box - Font size was not working for dashicons
* Fix: Post Timeline - Icon size was not working for dashicons
* Development: Added filter hook pp_expandable_row_icon_html