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Log Update Item PowerPack for Beaver Builder
This page only show history update item PowerPack for Beaver Builder.

* Enhancement: Category Grid - Added custom layout option based on Beaver Themer

* Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added equal heights option

* Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added ribbon option under Style > Featured Title

* Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added tooltip icon position option

* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added support for multiple post types

* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added custom fields filter options

* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added integration for Wistia videos

* Enhancement: Testimonial Slider - Added focus on pressing tab key and keyboard navigation support

* Enhancement: Admin settings - Keyboard navigation and minor UI improvements

* Fix: Pricing Table - Minor CSS fixes

* Fix: Advanced Tabs - 1px left margin issue for the first tab in style 3 vertical layout

* Fix: Advanced Tabs - PHP warning when choosing Photo as content type in some cases

* Fix: Subscribe Form - Removed background opacity additional fields from the Button tab

* Fix: Subscribe Form - Input label color was not working

* Fix: Gravity Forms - Section title styling issue with the latest version of Gravity Forms

* Fix: Gravity Forms - PHP warnings when input margin field is empty

* Fix: Logo Carousel - Images were not displaying on Arabic sites

* Fix: Category Grid - Adding 0 in the Spacing field was not working

* Fix: Content Tiles - Taxonomy meta setting was not working with multiple post types

* Fix: Google Map - JavaScript error when using ACF repeater field

* Fix: Modal Box - Removed Default CSS class option to avoid confusion with custom Class/ID field

* Fix: Modal Box - Renamed Trigger type "Other" to "Custom Element Click" to make it more clear to understand

* Development: Timeline - Added filter hook pp_timeline_items

Fix: Modal Box - Top position was not getting adjusted in when height is not given after the recent update

Hotfix: Info Box - Box padding issue where default value for padding-right and padding-bottom was getting applied

* Fix: Smart Headings - Empty links were appearing after the recent update

* Fix: Info Box - Responsive layout issue when global responsive breakpoint is above 767px

* Fix: Info Box - Button styles were not working when Link Type is set to Button + Title

* Fix: Image - Responsive width was getting overridden when used in shrinkable header

* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added a field under the trigger settings to provide label to identify the Modal Box in the builder

* Enhancement: Table - Updated border fields

* Enhancement: Reviews - Allow shortcode in Google Place ID and Yelp Business ID fields

* Enhancement: Content Grid - Enabled responsive options for the column spacing field

* Fix: Image - Show Custom Caption field only when URL is selected as Photo Source

* Fix: Smart Headings - Long primary heading causes secondary heading to appear in new line

* Fix: Image Carousel - Progress bar pagination was not working properly

* Development: Reviews - Added filter hook pp_reviews_data

* Development: Sliding Menus - Added filter hook pp_sliding_menus_nav_args

* Enhancement: Image - Added field connection for the Photo URL and Caption fields

* Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Content was not retaining paragraph break

* Fix: Content Grid - Post taxonomy terms were not showing in Style 3 after recent update

* Fix: Image - PHP warning in some cases where WordPress unable to get the image size

* Fix: Sliding Menus - Multiple instances of the same saved module on the page causes the links to disappear

* Fix: Icon/Number List - PHP error in WPML translation editor

* Fix: Animated Background - Slow loading of background image

* Fix: Header/Footer - Header was getting disappeared when editing the header page in builder

* Fix: Login/Register - Password protected pages redirecting to custom login page set in PowerPack settings

Hotfix: Off-Canvas Content - Missing content element after recent update

* Enhancement: Category Grid - Added loop option for the slider and re-arranged slider controls in the module settings

* Enhancement: Image - Added srcset attribute to <img> HTML tag when crop is disabled in the module

* Enhancement: Video - Added support for YouTube Shorts

* Enhancement: Album - Added css class pp-album-img to <img> HTML tag

* Fix: Video - Lightbox was not getting triggered when pressing the "Enter" key

* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Caption in lightbox was not visible when window height is less than the image height

* Fix: Announcement Bar - Single cookie was getting set for multiple instances of the module

* Fix: Content Grid - Columns issue in Firefox due to the browser's pixel-rounding difference

* Fix: Header/Footer - CSS loading sequence issue in some cases

* Fix: Header/Footer - Hide sticky overlay header when editing other pages in builder

* Fix: Removed default navigation arrow colors from Image Carousel, Content Grid, Logos Grid, and Testimonial modules

* Development: Registration Form - Added filter hook pp_rf_field_html

* Fix: Modal Box - Text align under button typography fields was not working

* Fix: Content Ticker - PHP warning in WPML translation editor screen

* Fix: Info List - Responsive alignment issue for layout 3

* Fix: Info Box - Missing title prefix after the recent update

* Fix: Content Grid - Filter issue in some cases after the recent update

* Fix: Gravity Forms - Submit button styles were not working when the button location is set to end of the last row (inline) in GF 2.6.x

* Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_post_query_args

* Development: Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_taxonomy_query_args

* Development: Added filter hook pp_prev_icon_svg

* Development: Added filter hook pp_next_icon_svg