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Log Update Item Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress
This page only show history update item Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress.

* new settings: Categories & Locations tables colors - links, hover links, terms and heading terms background colors

* improvement: select color for the taxonomies terms in search forms

* improvement: new search mode for taxonomies - checkboxes and radios buttons

* bug fix: misprint in the name of search shortcode [webdirectory-search] in Search Forms table

bug fix: broken post types functions on the last update

* improvement: new search system

* improvement: new Google Maps style: No default Points Of Interest on the map

* improvement: follow miles/kilometers setting on directions/route panel in MapBox

* improvement: listing title on a single listing page now displays again

* new settings: order categories and locations tables by default (drag & drop on admin pages), alphabetically or by count