Total 01/04/2025 : We HAVE 11318 Items and more than 3524 happy members.
Log Update Item Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress
This page only show history update item Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress.

* bug fix: using start_address parameter returns incorrect results

* bug fix: listing page content was broken after last update

* New updater

* improvement: do not auto-scroll to listings on search forms when clicking reset buttons

* improvement: whatsapp number link opens in new window

* bug fix: broken string/textarea fields search

bug fix: inappropriate automatic frontend dashboard pages mass creation

* improvement: added 'use_wrapper' parameter in [webdirectory-dashboard] shortcode

* bug fix: 5-columns layout of a search form could not be saved

* bug fix: missing subcategories search in single dropdowns

* bug fix: some MapBox infoWindow CSS issues

* bug fix: possible javascript errors

bug fix: missing javascript files on load after previous updates

bug fix: demo content CSS fixes

* bug fix: incorrect search by single dates was fixed

* bug fix: correct link in password reset emails

* bug fix: incorrect shortcodes processing after textarea fields

* improvement: updater now shows error messages

* bug fix: incorrect textarea content fields value

* improvement: search by opening hours field

* improvement: sticky-scroll search forms on map now have fixed position in the map sidebar

* improvement: pan the map to entered address when search in radius

* improvement: now users can enable WooCommerce subscription directly on listing upgrade checkout

* improvement: bounce map markers on address hover

* improvement: 24 Elementor widgets added

* new shortcodes:









- use with [webdirectory-listing-page]

* improvement: placeholder setting implemented into taxonomy search fields

* bug fix: disable to open links in new window setting, did not work for keywords search results

* bug fix: scroll to results after search submission did not work for maps

* bug fix: WooCommerce orders did not recognize on latest WC versions