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Log Update Item JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor
This page only show history update item JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor.

FIX: Elementor Dynamic Visibility conditions processing for some cases;

* ADD: New Dynamic Visibility conditions for posts;

* ADD: `CSS ID` setting for listings blocks in the Block Editor;

* ADD: Compatibility with Search Exclude plugin;

* UPD: Ability to hide "Name:" for meta fields in the CPT interface;

* UPD: Some performance optimization for Dynamic Widgets;

* UPD: `jet-engine/query-builder/query/items` hook, allow to filter query results before return items;

* UPD: Hide Empty Terms option is disabled by default for Terms Query;

* UPD: `permission_callback` for maps api;

* FIX: Dynamic Meta widget doesn't display author on single post;

* FIX: %queried_term% macros behavior;

* FIX: JetEngine SQL advanced query gets cached when not supposed to;

* FIX: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7;

* FIX: Minor bug fixes and improvements.

* ADD: Allow to create listing for non-public post type;

* ADD: Add to cart source for dynamic link widget;

* ADD: WooCommerce specific dynamic visibility conditions;

* ADD: WC Products In Cart macros;

* UPD: Ability to hide Delete Item button in Relations UI;

* FIX: Better relations and WPML compatibility;

* FIX: Conditions for macros dynamic tags;

* FIX: Load more doesn't work for CCT listing after filtering;

* FIX: Dynamic settings for Order By query arguments;

* FIX: Load more with the Listing Grid on the products page;

* FIX: WC Product Query dynamic data.

* ADD: Has terms, Post Type and Term Taxonomy conditions for listing injections;

* ADD: JetFormBuilder Records Query type;

* ADD: Allow to disconnect related items with front-end forms;

* UPD: Better compat the ACF with dynamic blocks;

* UPD: Handle WC product duplication with custom JetEngine taxonomies;

* FIX: Get Store macros and Local Storage store compatibility;

* FIX: JetEngine Proportional callback missing argument;

* FIX: Field width in metabox for users;

* FIX: Prevent error on frontend if table was deleted;

* FIX: Flush object cache to update any post to ensure query builder and object cache compatibility;

* FIX: Process html tags in textarea metafield with quick edit support.

* ADD: Allow to select map and geocoding providers for Map Listings;

* ADD: Map meta field type;

* ADD: Allow to output JetEngine Meta Fields in the default WordPress Rest API endpoints;

* ADD: Allow to create new listing item directly from Listing Grid widget in Elementor editor;

* ADD: Geo search query;

* ADD: Allow to register Rest API endpoints to manage relations;

* ADD: Dynamic Visibility for Blocks editor (similar to Elementor);

* ADD: Allow to set context and fallback for macros in Query Builder;

* ADD: Allow to disable legacy Query settings in favor of Query Builder;

* ADD: Allow to edit built-in WordPress taxonomies;

* UPD: various minor bug fixes and improvements.

* ADD: An ability to use loading indication for load more;

* ADD: An ability to set custom image size in the Dynamic Image widget;

* ADD: Width, Max Width, Height, Object Fit style options in the Dynamic Image;

* ADD: Post Slug and Term Slug into the object field list;

* ADD: WC Product Field, WC Product Image and WC Product Gallery Dynamic Tags;

* ADD: Allow to print shop messages before WC Query listing;

* UPD: Allow to use macros in Field format option. Macros parsed before do_shortcode calling;

* UPD: Crocoblock/suggestions#5246;

* UPD: Allow to trigger props setup from 3rd party by calling hook 'jet-engine/profile-builder/query/maybe-setup-props';

* UPD: 'jet-engine/rest-api-listings/request/type' filter to change API request type - post or get;

* FIX: Compatibility multiple relation filters with a listing;

* FIX: Flexbox containers compatiblity with listing grid slider;

* FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#3901;

* FIX: Compat the cct map listings with filters.

* ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#3964;

* ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#5389;

* ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#5356;

* ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#5404;

* ADD: Profile builder content and WPML compatibility;

* ADD: an ability to use dynamic tags for URL Anchor in the Dynamic Link widget;

* ADD: an ability to order terms in the Admin Filters;

* ADD: REGEXP & NOT REGEXP compare operators in the Query Builder;

* FIX: prevent error while updating elementor database;

* FIX: prevent fatal error in Term Field Dynamic Tag;

* FIX: If Query ID is set for Query Builder, than "is_filters_request" match only filters with the same ID;

* FIX: prevent error while updating elementor database;

* FIX: various minor fixes.

* ADD: User Page Title to Profile Builder;

* ADD: compat the User Single Page with SEO plugins;

* ADD: webp support for media control;

* ADD: query variable source in the Dynamic Field;

* UPD: Post author ID macro callback to better work with filters;

* UPD: remove empty array for the Relations Dynamic Field props;

* FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#5261;

* FIX: setup single user page props on filters request;

* FIX: Edit post type/meta box link style in Blocks Editor;

* FIX: gallery field bug;

* FIX: better CCT and Maps Listings compatibility.

* ADD: allow to export & import JetEngine CPT & CCT Meta Fields;

* UPD: Display CCT Repeater fields;

* FIX: Dynamic Visibility AND relation;

* FIX: Forms html rendering bug;

* FIX: Update Options form hook - allow to clear data;

* FIX: Human readable time difference callback;

* FIX: various minor fixes and improvements.

* ADD: compat with Elementor 3.6 (Listing equal columns height);

* ADD: horizontal layout for checkbox & radio fields in meta boxes;

* UPD: better relations and JSF compatibility;

* UPD: allow to use 3rd party data as source for the calendar widget;

* UPD: better compatibility the lazy load listing with the filters;

* FIX: better WooCommerce compatibility;

* FIX: Query Builder and JSF redirect compatibility;

* FIX: the Load More listing after redirect to prefiltered page (mixed apply type);

* FIX:Edit post type/meta box link style in Blocks Editor;

* FIX: RTL compatibility masonry listing;

* FIX: Apply relations controls labels.