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Log Update Item JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor
This page only show history update item JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor.

FIX: Calendar navigation for some cases.

* ADD: Macro Query Results Count;

* ADD: JSF compatibility - Query Builder source for filter options;

* ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#2288;

* UPD: Show pop-up Jet Engine Map Listing;

* FIX: Dynamic meta block error in the posts content;

* FIX: Load more doesnt work for listing with query builder after filtering by checkbox field;

* FIX: Lazy load listing is not filtered with redirect;

* FIX: Query builder: Random order + Load More + Filters;

* FIX: Listing Grid with WC Query inside Listing Grid;

* FIX: Map Settings issue with the listing;

* FIX: Borlabs Cookies and Maps Listing;

* FIX: Geolocation filter initizliation;

* FIX: Load more and nested listings;

* FIX: Use local timestamp instead of universal time in the Dynamic calendar;

* FIX: Fatal error if received post terms is WP_ERROR;

* FIX: WPML issue;

* FIX: Dynamic visibility is_in_stock error.

* ADD: Query Builder + Dynamic Calendar compatibility;

* ADD: allow to cast SQL query results into specific object;

* ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#5682;

* ADD: Custom image Alt setting for Dynamic Image Crocoblock/suggestions#5551;

* ADD: `Lazy Load` setting for Dynamic Image Crocoblock/suggestions#5522;

* ADD: `Data type` setting for `Equal` condition;

* ADD: dynamic css for inner templates in listing items;

* ADD: sync the relations with translated post (WPML);

* UPD: WC Products properties handling in dynamic image and link widgets;

* FIX: Gutenberg listing breaks layout after filtering;

* FIX: Listing + load more in Gutenberg;

* FIX: Relations - Add New CCT item from related post;

* FIX: Search Filter and users query compatibility;

* FIX: Getting comment meta;

* FIX: Glossary long labels + WPML;

* FIX: Description of the taxonomy doesn't save;

* FIX: CCT listing with filters critical error in some cases;

* FIX: WC Product Query tax_query relation issue.