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Log Update Item JetWooBuilder For Elementor
This page only show history update item JetWooBuilder For Elementor.

* Added: Product Variation query for Products Grid/List widgets;

* Added: Controls for vertical position for badges in Products Grid/List widgets;

* Updated: Shortcode functionality refactor and restructuring;

* Updated: Editor control UX;

* Updated: JetDashboard to 2.0.10;

* Fixed: Checkout Order Review widget spacing issues;

* Fixed: Blocksy theme compatibility;

* Updated: Allow accessing JetWooBuilder JS object from the global scope;

* Tweak: Better WPML compatibility;

* Tweak: Better Astra theme compatibility;

* Fixed: Empty favourites query;

* Fixed: My account controls ID conflict;

* Fixed: Product variation metadata output in Cart Table widget;

* Added: Favourites query type for Product Grid/List widgets;

* Added: New query type Stock Status for Products Grid/List widgets;

* Tweak: Custom stock status functionality in Products Grid/List widgets;

* Fixed: Custom taxonomy template functionality works separately from shop template functionality;

* Fixed: Ajax add to cart spinner styles;

* Fixed: Carousel render with overflow option;

* Fixed: Products Grid badges align;

* Fixed: Archive Rating widget missing global `$product` variable;

* Fixed: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7;

* Fixed: Additional minor bugs;

Fixed: Products Grid widget box-shadow controls visibility;

* Added: `jet-woo-builder/widgets/archive/pre-product-price` hook to rewrite archive product price output;

* Fixed: Themes compatibilities issues;

* Fixed: Variation product single AJAX add to cart;

* Fixed: Carousels pagination styles section visibility;

* Fixed: Display Archive widgets in JetEngine listing;