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Log Update Item JetWooBuilder For Elementor
This page only show history update item JetWooBuilder For Elementor.

* Added: Woo Page Builder template tabs;

* Added: WooCommerce placeholder image handling in widgets;

* Added: Single Rating widget reviews link captions;

* Added: Style & Advanced tabs to custom templates in Elementor editor;

* Added: Single Template Elementor editor settings;

* Added:  Style controls for Single Tabs widget;

* Added: Empty rating functionality in Products Grid/List widgets;

* Added: Products List & Categories Grid widgets clickable item functionality;

* Added: Products List widget content elements align controls;

* Added: Manual selection of categories in Categories Grid widget;

* Added: Archive items templates editor canvas view;

* Added: Responsiveness in checkout forms;

* Added: WooCommerce action widget;

* Added: Dynamic & macros functionalities for IDs fields in Products List/Grid widgets;

* Updated: Better JetEngine compatibility;

* Updated: Better Elementor 3.6 compatibility;

* Updated: Widgets controls and templates;

* Updated: Better Blocksy theme compatibility;

* Updated: JetDashboard to 2.0.9;

* Tweak: Widget accessibility for different template types;

* Tweak: Single Add to Cart widget styles;

* Tweak: Single Images widget;

* Tweak: Single Meta widget;

* Tweak: Refactor and restructure compatibility, integration, components and predesigned files and folders;

* Fixed: Cart Table widget thumbnail width;

* Fixed: Quick view popup with OceanWP theme.

* Added: Products Grid&List compatibility with `woocommerce_product_is_visible` hook;

* Tweak: Remove button color styles in Cart Table widget;

* Fixed: Archive items equal column height.

* Dev: `jet-woo-builder/documents/is-document-type` hook for checking document type;

* Dev: `jet-woo-builder/integration/register-widgets` hook for widget registration;

* Fixed: Editor widgets rendering.

* Fixed: Astra theme checkout page compatibility.

* Tweak: WooCommerce templates versions;

* Fixed: Frontend carousel rendering with slide overflow;

* Fixed: Minor bugs.

* Added: Cart Table widget auto update functionality;

* Tweak: Products List/Grid & Single Product AJAX add to cart styles;

* Tweak: Purchase Popup functionality;

* Fixed: Cart & Checkout elements float styles;

* Fixed: Close quick view popup after adding product to cart;

* Fixed: Carousel rtl issue;

* Fixed: Elementor templates export compatibility with new Export/Import functionality;

* Fixed: Update cart button mobile visibility.

* Added: Cart Table widget auto update functionality;

* Added: Separate box sizes controls for Carousel Dots;

* Added: Minimum touchmove velocity control for Carousels;

* Added: Simulation switching control for Carousels;

* Added: Carousels slide overflow and space between functionalities;

* Added: Export/Import templates;

* Updated: Cart, Checkout, My Account and Thank You templates widgets;

* Updated: WooCommerce templates;

* Updated: Body classes and wrappers for custom templates in Elementor editor;

* Updated: Assets and Templates folders structure;

* Updated: Admin templates;

* Updated: Carousels styles & styles controls;

* Tweak: Templates styles;

* Tweak: Quantity input script handling;

* Tweak: Templates switcher script handling;

* Tweak: Product thumbnails attributes implementation;

* Fixed: Checkout forms rtl compatibility;

* Fixed: Thumbnail effect in Wishlist archive product card;

* Fixed: Integrated themes compatibility;

* Fixed: Elementor db update critical error;

* Fixed: Thumbnails tablet & mobile visibility in Cart Table widget;

* Fixed: Billing and Shipping Forms widgets address fields require property;

* Fixed: SVG icons colors in carousels controls.

* Updated: Better Blocksy theme compatibility;

* Fixed: Carousel issue;

* Fixed: Custom Query widgets compatibility with JetSmartFilters indexer;

* Fixed: Some additional bugs.

Fixed: Minor bugs.

* Fixed: Archive Template inside wishlist widget;

* Fixed: Reset Archive Template object;

* Fixed: some additional bugs.

* Added: Custom labels visibility controls for Shipping Form and Empty Cart Message widgets;

* Added: Proper WooCommerce classes to editor templates;

* Added: Possibility to choose the icon for Cart Table remove button;

* Added: Bestsellers query to Products Grid/List widgets;

* Updated: Single Images widget;

* Updated: Default WooCommerce templates styles;

* Updated: Better WPML compatibility;

* Tweak: `get_product_thumbnail()`;

* Tweak: Carousels pagination styles;

* Tweak: Cart Totals widget;

* Fixed: Conflict between Shipping Form widget heading styles and Elementor Global styles;

* Fixed: Carousel columns styles;

* Fixed: `$wp_query->queried_object` in archive card templates;

* Fixed: Product Grid clickable item compatibility with JetEngine Query Builder;

* Fixed: Checkout forms custom address fields classes.