* Enhancement - added wcva_disable_unselect_on_click hook.
* Enhancement - Show textswatches by default on global values.
* Enhancement - Textblock are prefered as default option for custom swatches.
* Enhancement - Show textswatches by default on global values.
* Enhancement - Textblock are prefered as default option for custom swatches.
Fix - Debugg error when variation image are used as swatches.
- Enhancement - Added hook to override default shop swatches shape.
- Fix - bug with crossing out of stock options.
- Fix - crossing of out of stock options not working properly when attribute number is more than two.
- Fix - full size images used for shop swatches when variation images are used as swatch image.
- Fix - bug with shop swatches not getting disabled when variation images are used as swatch image.
- Enhancement - Made cross out image more opaque.
* 3.3.6 - Fix - issue arised after update 3.3.5.
* 3.3.5 - Fix - issue arised with older php version (below 8.0) after 3.3.4 update.
* 3.3.4 - Fix - fix for debug error on shop page.
* 3.3.3 - Fix - issue with crossing outofstock option when attribute number is greater than two.
* 3.3.2 - 08 June 2021 - Fix - Shop swatches not working with finnish text.
- Fix - debug errors on shop page when main image was not set.
* 3.3.1 - 07 June 2021 - Fix - Variation image not working with finnish attribute text.
* Enhancement - Cross Out of stock options.
* Enhancement - Updated iris,slick and powerTip library to latest.
* Enhancement - all jquery code wrapped into noconflict mode.
* Enhancement - all instances of __() & _e() replaced with escaping functions.