* Fix - Styling issues of textblock on shop page.
* Enhancement - Compatibility with webp images on shop page.
* Enhancement - Moved settings from WooCommerce Settings to WooMatrix/Wooswatches Menu.
* Enhancement - Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 7.0
* Fix - Prevent crossing out of option when not opted for in case of single attribute.
* Enhancement - Added textdomain to missing strings in settings tab.
* Enhancement - Supports custom texonomy for shop swatches.
Fix - Shop hover not working with avada theme.
Fix - replaced two instances of jquery.fn.load with .on("jquery"
Fix - crossing of out of stock options not working on single attribute products.
Enhancement - Added support for is_tax("product-collection") for shop swatches.
Enhancement - restore original image on mouseleave.
Enhancement - Added support for is_tax("collections") for shop swatches.
Fix - textswatches not working by default with global values.