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Log Update Item Rocket Genius Gravity Forms WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Rocket Genius Gravity Forms WordPress Plugin.

Fixed an issue where the submit button will be repeatedly added to the form if markup is changed with the `gform_field_container` filter.

- Fixed a fatal error that can occur on some hosting environments when the license is validated.

- Fixed an issue where inserting a new notification routing rule will sometimes overwrite the following rule.

- Fixed an issue which prevents some {today} merge tags from displaying the correct value.

- Fixed an issue where the required field legend is not displayed if form title or description aren't enabled on a form that does not use legacy markup.

- Fixed an issue which can cause code to run multiple times on some hosting environments, leading to warnings and fatal errors.

- Fixed an issue where the default value of an email field with confirmation enabled does not display.

- Updated predefined choices lists for countries, US states, marital status, and gender as well as name prefix choices to be up-to-date and more inclusive.

- AF: Fixed a fatal error that can occur with PHP 8+ if an error occurs during background feed processing.

- API: Fixed an issue where GF_Field_Time::is_value_submission_empty() can return the wrong result.

Fixed an issue where inserting a new notification routing rule will sometimes overwrite the following rule.

Fixed an issue which causes some {today} merge tags from displaying the correct value.

Fixed an issue for non-legacy forms where the required field legend is not displaying if form title or description aren't enabled.

- Fixed an issue which can cause providers to be registered more than one time on some hosting environments.

- Fixed an issue where the default value of an email field with confirmation enabled does not display.

- AF: Fixed a fatal error that can occur with PHP 8+ if an error occurs during background feed processing.

- API: Fixed an issue where GF_Field_Time::is_value_submission_empty() could return the wrong result.

Fixed a fatal error that can occur on some hosting environments when the license is validated.

- Added the [gform_cleanup_target_dir]( filter to support async uploads on servers with opendir() disabled.

- Fixed an issue where the REST request to get additional pages fails on translated sites when configuring the form confirmation.

- Fixed an accessibility issue by adding an alert role to the notice on the uninstall page.

- Fixed an accessibility issue where the search field in the form detail has no connected label.

- Fixed several PHP 8.1 deprecation notices. Note: There are still a number of notices from WordPress 6.0.

- Updated the minimum WordPress version on the System Status page to 5.9.

- Updated the database upgrade and System Status page to check for and fix auto increment issues which can cause "duplicate entry 0" errors.

- AF: Updated `GFPaymentAddOn::maybe_validate()` to include `$context` as the second parameter.

- API: Added gform/merge_tag/initialize event to allow merge tag drop downs to be manually initialized after page load.

- API: Updated the REST API v2 [forms/[FORM_ID]/submissions]( endpoint to support the `?_validate_only=1` query argument.

- API: Added [GFAPI::validate_form()]( to validate form field values without triggering other submission events such as saving the entry, sending notifications, add-on feeds, or confirmations.

- API: Added the [forms/[FORM_ID]/submissions/validation]( endpoint to REST API v2.

- API: Updated the `gform_field_validation` and `gform_validation` filters to include a new `$context` parameter indicating how the current request was triggered: form-submit, api-submit, or api-validate.

- Added the [gform_cleanup_target_dir]( filter to support async uploads on servers with opendir() disabled.

- Fixed an issue where the REST request to get additional pages fails on translated sites when configuring the form confirmation.

- Updated the database upgrade and System Status page to check for and fix auto increment issues which can cause "duplicate entry 0" errors.

- Fixed an accessibility issue where the notice in the uninstall page doesn't have an alert role.

- Fixed several PHP 8.1 deprecation notices. Note: There are still a number of notices from WordPress 6.0.

- API: Added gform/merge_tag/initialize event to allow merge tag drop downs to be manually initialized after page load.

- API: Updated the REST API v2 [forms/[FORM_ID]/submissions]( endpoint to support the `?_validate_only=1` query argument.