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Log Update Item Rocket Genius Gravity Forms WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Rocket Genius Gravity Forms WordPress Plugin.

- Fixed an issue that prevents accessing the settings page after failed license validation in the setup wizard.

- Fixed an issue that prevents the template library stylesheet from loading in no-conflict mode and makes the template library unusable.

- Fixed a compatibility issue with WordPress 6.2 where forms are not rendered properly in the Block Editor.

- Fixed an issue where some CSS files are loading when the Output Default CSS setting is turned off.

- Fixed an error on the widgets page that prevents the Gravity Forms block from working as a widget.

- Fixed an issue which prevents sorting by number in the total field.

- Fixed an issue that removes some inputs' sublabels when forms are saved.

- Removed the about page images from the codebase to reduce the codebase size.

- API: Added CSS API global custom properties for the contrast color for the theme framework's danger and success colors.

- API: Added CSS API global custom properties to allow for specifying of the various max border-radius sizes we support.

- API: Added CSS API global custom properties for the checkbox, date, file, select, and textarea border-radius property.

- API: Fixed an issue where the Radio and Card settings fields do not render choice IDs.

Fixed an issue that prevents the template library stylesheet from loading in no-conflict mode and makes the template library unusable.

- Fixed an error on the widgets page that prevents the Gravity Forms block from working as a widget.

- Fixed an issue which prevents sorting by number in the total field.

- Fixed an issue that removes some inputs' sublabels when forms are saved.

- Removed the about page images from the codebase to reduce the codebase size.

- Fixed an issue for sites hosted with where the “Enable auto-updates” spinner on the installed plugins page spins indefinitely.

- Fixed an issue where the WP-CLI `wp plugin auto-updates` commands aren't compatible with the background updates setting.

- Updated the form submission logging statements.

- Updated the map link in the address field to open in https.

- Updated the system report to list a few recently run scheduled events (cron jobs).

- Fixed the "for" attribute in checkbox inputs with more than 10 checkboxes in the repeater field.

- Fixed an issue that caused display problems when using an extended consent field in the Orbital theme.

- Fixed an issue where the password strength indicator in the default Gravity Theme does not use colors.

- Fixed an issue where the user can't login with the password they entered during registration when background feed processing is enabled for the User Registration Add-On.

- Fixed an issue that causes a required number input in a repeater to fail validation if the value is 0.

- Fixed an issue where resetting one custom select field resets all custom select fields on the page.

- Fixed the filter 'gform_post_select_initial_count' not applying the passed value correctly.

- Fixed an issue where the file upload field merge tag is returning the direct link to the file when used in the confirmation query string.

- Fixed an accessibility issue with inline svg files inside focusable elements.

- Fixed an issue where a warning is thrown when creating a blank form.

- Fixed an issue that causes confusing image tags in the copied system report.

- Fixed an issue that prevents checkbox value modifiers from working when there are multiple modifiers.

- Removed the inaccurate site registration status item from the copied system report.

- AF: Improved form submission performance for sites with multiple payment add-ons active.

- AF: Updated `GFFeedAddOn::maybe_process_feed()` to call `$this->delay_feed()` when the feed is added to the background processing queue.

- API: Added the [gform_pre_process_async_notifications]( and [gform_post_process_async_notifications]( hooks to the background notifications processor.

- API: Added the [gform_search_criteria_entry_limit_validation]( filter.

- API: Fixed an issue where a no route found error occurs when performing an OPTIONS request to the REST API v2 endpoints.

- API: Fixed an issue where feeds can be created for forms that don't exist.

- API: Fixed an issue where feeds couldn't be created for form ID 0, which is required for feeds that can be used by any form.

- Fixed an issue that causes the subtitle text on the about page to not be readable.

- Removed an extra curly brace from the class-gf-field-name.php file.

- Updated the link and text on the reCAPTCHA button on the settings page.

- Added an improved Setup Wizard.

- Added the Orbital Form Theme, a theme with opinionated styles that is customizable in the block style settings.

- Added form style settings to the Gravity Forms block to allow users to easily customize the appearance of their forms.

- Added the Form Template Library to make it easier to create common forms.

- Added new Honeypot functionality to increase spam protection.

- Added a new Honeypot form setting to allow entries to be created and marked as spam when the Honeypot catches a form submission.

- Added the ability to upgrade a license from the settings page.

- Added performance improvements to form submissions for forms with lots of confirmations.

- Added performance improvements to form rendering.

- Added performance improvements to merge tag processing. Credit: The GravityKit team.

- Added accessibility improvements to the system report page.

- Added accessibility improvements to the Form, Entry and Feed List tables to improve accessibility.

- Added "Gravity Forms" to the title of admin pages to improve accessibility.

- Added underlines to links in the Form Validation Summary for better accessibility.

- Added security enhancements.

- Updated the repeater field markup to be compatible with the Theme Framework.

- Updated the form submit spinner to use new Theme Framework styles.

- Updated the image in the drag and drop instructions on an empty form.

- Updated the form preview in the block editor to display the form if it has conditional logic.

- Updated the default phone format option to be "International" instead of "US/Canada".

- Fixed a fatal error that can occur in some hosting environments with PHP 8+.

- Fixed an issue where form revisions are not created when a form contains a Consent field other than the Gravity Forms core Consent field.

- Fixed a performance issue where the gform_layout_editor script is being localised outside the editor for a form that doesn't exist. Credit: The GravityKit team.

- Fixed an issue where the Gravity Forms datepicker style is being applied outside of Gravity Forms.

- API: Added a form Theme Framework and CSS API to make it easier to customize the appearance of forms.

- API: Added a "block_editor" admin page type to allow add-ons to easily enqueue scripts and styles to the block editor via the scripts() and styles() methods.

- API: Added [GFAPI::validate_field()]( to validate the value of a specific field.

- API: Added a new hook [`gform_entries_primary_column_filter`]( to filter the entry list table's first column.

- API: Added a new filter [`gform_abort_submission_with_confirmation`]( that can be used to abort form submission and display a confirmation.

- API: Added a new filter [`gform_search_criteria_export_entries`]( to allow entries of different statuses (i.e. trash, abuse) to be exported.

- Added a new environment variable to hide the background updates setting.

- Added a new environment variable to control the update message and the unregistered license message.

- Updated the icon for the Password field.

- Updated the minimum WordPress version on the System Status page to 6.0.

- Fixed an issue where the editor jumps to the top of the form when opening the choices flyout in no-conflict mode.

- Fixed an issue that causes hidden inputs to render in the autocomplete UI of the form editor.

- Fixed an issue where exporting entries including multiple Multi-Column List fields would not create separate columns for each List field row. Credit: ForGravity.

- Fixed an issue which causes products to display images as HTML in email notifications.

- Fixed an issue where some admin notifications result in an error: "Cannot send email because the TO address is invalid".

- Fixed an issue that causes the "Enable Other Choice" setting for option-based fields (Radio, Checkbox etc) to not display in the choices flyout when the Quiz add-on is enabled.

- Fixed an issue where the `gform_require_login` filter isn't called in all contexts where login is required for the form.

- API: Added the [gform_uninstalling]( action hook.

- API: Added the [gform_form_pre_process_async_task]( filter.

- API: Updated the GFAPI::send_notifications() method to support async (background) processing of notifications. Disabled by default. Enable using the [gform_is_asynchronous_notifications_enabled]( filter.

- Added new environment variables to control the update message and the unregistered license message.

- Fixed an issue that causes hidden inputs to render in the autocomplete Ui of the form editor.

- Fixed an issue where exporting entries including multiple Multi-Column List fields would not create separate columns for each List field row. Credit: ForGravity.

- API: Added the [gform_uninstalling]( action hook.

- API: Added the [gform_form_pre_process_async_task]( filter.

- API: Updated GFAPI::send_notifications() to support async (background) processing of notifications. Disabled by default. Enable using the [gform_is_asynchronous_notifications_enabled]( filter.