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Log Update Item WooCommerce Lightspeed POS
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Lightspeed POS.

* Fix  - Add phpunit-polyfills to test suite to comply with new wp test requirements

* Fix  - Validate shipping values for ls payload

* Fix  - Delete cache lock after product sync to be compatible with persistent caching

* New  - Add sales syncing feature (beta)

<p>Fix - check snapshot to properly create payload<br></p>

* Fix   - Images causing error when attempting to insert after store duplication. #309 - checks the image_id in thewclsi_item_images table first

* Tweak - Tags syncing should be a selectable option #304 - tags can now be turned on/off

* Fix   - Remove "Uncategorised" too #302 - removes "Uncategorised"

* Fix   - Images causing error when attempting to insert after store duplication. #309 - Orphaned images can now be updated properly

* Fix   - Variation gallery images do not sync correctly #305 - Variation images are now properly stored in variation gallery post meta

* Fix   - Wordpress times out when downloading lots or large images #303 - Wordpress times out on large image downloads, will now provide an error and abort product creation