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Log Update Item WooCommerce Lightspeed POS
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Lightspeed POS.

* Tweak - Make getters for wclsi-lightspeed-prod class public for use with filters

* Tweak - Add reason for skipping job to debug log

* Fix   - Compare last check timestamp to max window time stamp instead of max window date when running item poller

* Fix   - Get polling interval from settings instead of defaulting to 5 seconds when no last sync timestamp is found

* Fix   - Check if update type is inventory instead of assigning inventory as the update type when logging a successful poll

* Fix - Solves an issue where images were being replaced on import rather than adding a new image to the gallery

* Fix - Properly count number of tax rates generated during tax rate export

* Fix - Check if more than 100 products have been updated when polling Lightspeed for item updates

* Tweak - Allow removal of the default WooCommerce category rather than the "uncategorized" category

* Tweak - Clarify that sales syncing will not work with inclusive tax rates

* Tweak - Log error if inserting attachment fails during image import

Fix - catches and logs error if creating new wp attachment fails when importing images

* New - checks if featured image is in the product gallery and remove it if it is

* New - logs new inventory when auto-poll updates a product

* New - logs manual updates to wclsi sync event log

* Fix - reconnects item shops if the data already exists when relinking products

* Fix - import variation images

* Fix - adds notice to product page if images are still downloading for the product

* Fix - checks for existence of tax rate id before querying for associated lightspeed id

* Fix - handles cases where lightspeed api returns employee data in unexpected formats

* Fix - addresses an issue where image syncs were getting skipped for matrix product updates

* Tweak - no longer adds the featured image to the product gallery

Fix - add handle archived products option to woo product sync settings

Fix - Fix issue loading wclsi settings tabs to be compatible with WordPress 6.0

* New   - Taxes from WooCommerce orders will now be reflected in Lightspeed sales

* Fix   - Remote logging has been removed to avoid conflicts

* Tweak - Checks media library for previously download images when reimporting a product

* Tweak - Eliminated some foreach warnings

* New - Orders refunded in Woocommerce will now be reflected in Lightspeed

* Fix - Check if Guzzle has already been loaded by another plugin before attempting to include it

* Fix - Load Bugsnag cleanly and handle cases where loading fails

Fix   - Allow products to have more than 100 variations

Tweak - Move ignore archived Lightspeed products to woo sync page

Fix   - Fix checkbox for opting into sales syncing to appear unchecked by default

Fix   - Improve sales syncing compatibility with a user having a single Lightspeed store

Tweak - Improve logging and response when syncing a failed sales sync occurs

New   - Add remote logging feature. Toggle on/off in store settings