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Item cover for download WOOCOMMERCE EU VAT ASSISTANT

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Item description

The EU VAT Assistant plugin is a free, premium quality plugin, which extends the standard WooCommerce sale process and calculates the VAT due under the new regime, starting on the 1st of January 2015. The information gathered by the plugin can then be used to prepare VAT reports, which will help filing the necessary VAT/MOSS returns. This product also includes advanced features, such as EU VAT number validation, customer’s self-certification of address, automatic update of exchange rates for VAT reports and more.

EU VAT Assistant for WooCommerce and the new VAT MOSS regulations

EU VAT Assistant for WooCommerce is designed to help achieving compliance with the new European VAT regulations, coming into effect on the 1st of January 2015. Starting from that date, digital goods sold to consumers in the European Union are liable to EU VAT, no matter where the seller is located. The VAT rate to apply to each sale is the one charged in the country of consumption, i.e. where the customer  resides. These new rules apply to worldwide sellers, whether resident in the European Union or not, who sell their products to EU customers. For more information: EU: 2015 Place of Supply Changes – Mini One-Stop-ShopThe EU VAT Assistant is available free of charge, from the following link: Download the EU VAT Assistant for WooCommerce.

How this product works

The EU VAT Assistant plugin extends the standard WooCommerce sale process and calculates the VAT due under the new regime. The information gathered by the plugin can then be used to prepare VAT reports, which will help filing the necessary VAT/MOSS returns. The EU VAT Assistant plugin also records details about each sale, to prove that the correct VAT rate was applied. This is done to comply with the new rules, which require that at least two pieces of non contradictory evidence must be gathered, for each sale, as a proof of customer’s location. The evidence is saved automatically against each new order, from the moment the EU VAT compliance plugin is activated. In addition to the above, the plugin includes powerful features to minimise the effort required to achieve compliance, such as the validation of EU VAT numbers for B2B sales, support for customer’s self-certification of location, automatic update of exchange rates, etc. Please refer to the Key Features section, below, for more details. New releases are announced on our site, on our Twitter account and on our Facebook page. We recommend following at least one channel, to stay up to date about new features and bug fixes.

Key Features

  • Fully compatible with our WooCommerce plugins.
  • Calculates and stores the VAT amounts automatically, for each order.
  • Collects evidence required by the new regulations, to prove that the correct VAT rate was applied. The plugin can automatically detect customer’s location, thus gathering one of the approved pieces of evidence.
  • Allows to collect a self-certification from the customer, when insufficient evidence is available to prove his/her location.
  • Accepts and validates EU VAT numbers, applying VAT exemption when appropriate. Validation of European VAT numbers is performed via the official VIES service, provided by the European Commission. This feature is equivalent to the one provided by the EU VAT Number plugin.
  • Supports a dedicated VAT currency, which is used to generate the reports. You can sell in any currency you like, the EU VAT Assistant plugin will take care of converting the VAT amounts to the currency you will use to file your returns.
  • Automatically updates the exchange rates that are be used to produce the VAT reports in the selected VAT currency. The plugin can fetch exchange rates from the following providers:
    • European Central Bank
    • HM Revenue and Customs service
    • Bitpay
    • Irish Revenue (experimental)
    • Danish National Bank
  • Automatically populates the VAT rates for all EU countries in WooCommerce Tax Settings.
  • Fully compatible with our other products, such WooCommerce Currency Switcher, Prices by Country and Tax Display by Country.
  • Supports WooCommerce Subscriptions.
  • Includes function for integration with PDF Invoices and Packing Slips plugin and other PDF Invoice plugins, to simplify the creation of EU VAT-compliant invoices.
  • Reports included
    • VAT MOSS
    • Domestic VAT
    • VIES
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07 Feb 2020 - Version
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Created 07-02-2020
Updated 07-02-2020
الفئة Plugin
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