Added - Setting to change the Google map type globally
Added - WPML language switcher support in Ultra Variation
Added - “Sort by Title” option in property listing templates
Added - Sections management options for property print view
Added - Reserve Booking Dates feature to the front-end Dashboard
Added - Admin dashboard notice to guide users about new updates
Added - All users’ “Saved Searches” management by Administrator on the front-end dashboard
Improved - Styles on various places throughout the theme
Improved - Mortgage calculator sidebar widget styles
Improved - Print Styles
Improved - Compare properties template code-base
Improved - Demos Import page
Fixed - Blog page banner issue for fresh installs
Fixed - Property detail page accordion & toggle contents flickering issues
Fixed - Half map template RTL issues
Fixed - HTML validation issues at various locations
Fixed - Whatsapp share button issue on the Ultra property detail page
Fixed - Search form loading issues in Ultra variation
Fixed: Favorite page link issue in RealHomes Elementor Login Modal Widget
Fixed - Date format in Grid Cards throughout the theme
Added - MapBox support for the theme map functionality.
Added - Front-end dashboard section for properties booking management in Vacation Rental
Added - Option to manually mark properties as booked in Vacation Rental
Added - Option to increase number of guests in Vacation Rental search and booking forms.
Added - Report a property functionality
Added - Agency field to properties search forms
Added - Ajax support for properties search results pages
Added - Loader for Ajax based similar properties section
Added - Agency with standard user display for properties listing/featured elementor widgets
Added - Property listing cards variations
Added - Featured label string change option for featured properties
Added - Option for Elementor news widget to show/hide posts based on featured image
Added - Labels edit controls for property submit templates on frontend dashboard
Improved - WPML compatibility on several places
Improved - RealHomes Elementor Widgets registration and scripts/styles enqueue process
Improved - Vertical properties map by removing unusual bottom space
Improved - Demo import preview links
Improved - Standard user styles for properties listing/featured widget cards
Improved - Customizer google font files to save excessive bandwidth
Improved - Several RTL related styling issues
Improved - Save search related styles for Classic design variation
Improved - Elementor search form widget styles
Improved - Property detail page meta tooltip styling
Improved - Reply functionality for the email sent by agent inquiry forms
Improved - Rating stars colors
Improved - Several demo import issues for some demos installation
Fixed - Gallery listing templates isotopes functionality for RTL languages
Fixed - Gallery pages property links hover issues
Fixed - Elementor Search form widget price sliders glitch on mobile
Fixed - Touch devices info box links disabled issue on mobile
Fixed - Social icons structural issues for agents listing and single
Fixed - Unusual space in agent form textarea before pre-added text
Fixed - Color control issue of header-2 Submit property button
Fixed - Several issues of property detail page design variations
Fixed - Featured tag not changing on the front-end for properties sidebar widgets
Fixed - Broken property detail page issue when Yelp is active
Added - Address show/hide control to the Elementor Slider Widget
Added - The "Contact Tags" menu under RealEstate CRM for better tag management.
Added - Sticky sidebar functionality for property detail page
Added - Pagination stats above property listings.
Added - Custom property search form support for inner pages
Added - Support for New Custom Fields in property listing cards all over the theme
Added - All contact fields support for Elementor Agents Grid Widget
Added - All contact fields support for Elementor Agents Grid Two Widget
Added - 5 new property detail page design variations.
Added - Agent verification badge functionality for all agent display areas
Improved - Image association for the uploaded property gallery pictures from the frontend dashboard.
Improved - Tooltip visibility for all property cards when the round corners option is enabled
Improved - The animation behavior for the advanced search form
Improved - The translation strings for multiple languages
Fixed - Wrong sidebars issue on Agent & Agency listing templates
Fixed - Additional fields duplication issue in the Elementor Search Form widget
Fixed - Dashboard submit property form action buttons disabling issues
Fixed - Sorting dropdown broken layout issue in property listing templates [Classic]
Fixed - Notices issue in agents Elementor widgets when author view enabled
Fixed - Demo import issues regarding attachments
Created | 11-10-2019 |
Updated | 20-10-2023 |
الفئة | Advertising |
Theme Type | ORIGINAL |
حجم الملف | 24.29 MB |
تعليقات | 0 |
الآراء | 4589 |
المبيعات | 1 |
Downloaded | 3 |