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Log Update Item Elemailer Pro
This page only show history update item Elemailer Pro.

* Fix: Flicker in WC emails list 

* Fix: Duplicate ignoring email from reply from setting 

* Fix: PHP warning on edit page of wp for elementor experiment

* Fix: RTL language template library button

* Fix: PHP error related to License

* Tweak: Improve shortcode layout

* Tweak: WPML translation support added

* Tweak: WC widget trasnalation issue

* New: Many typography control for WC iteam details table

* New: Added CSV export for Emails and Stats

* Fix: Fatal error due to missing $user variable for internal shortcode function

* Fix: Removed deprecated function of Elementor

* Tweak: Added translation support to few texts

* Fix: WC Password reset & New account password link don't work

* Tweak: Added New shortcode such as %%reset_password_url%% support for WC new account and other widget

Fix: WooCommerce product email condition not working

Product Added to the system.