- Updated:
Improvement cart free shipping label.
Improvement Product Tags Layered Nav widget.
Improvement collapse widget on filtering.
- Fixed:
Mobile detect conflict with 3rd plugins.
Size chart show empty table row.
- Updated:
Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards.
Improvement Cart total coupon UI.
Improvement Megamog style.
Improvement Language Switcher style by Polylang.
- Fixed:
Variation selected clear link not showing on some case.
Fix breadcrumb path not show properly with Rank Math plugin.
Add to cart action + quantity update action for WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency.
single product review link.
- Added:
Turkish translation.
Replace product variable price with active variation price.
- Fixed:
Currency switcher style.
Product images gallery not working properly with loop.
Improvement product loop category nested terms.
Improvement scrolling on mobile devices.
Improvement site performance.
Improvement image lazy loading.
Improvement live search with WPML.
Improvement product custom tabs with WPML.
Improvement scrollbar style in RTL version.
Out-date Woocommerce template.
- Added:
New setting allow hide Customer Note in cart page.
- Updated:
Disabled product image hover on mobile for better UX.
Improvement product stock display.
Improvement product images gallery UX.
Improvement breadcrumb nested terms.
Change register page link when register modal disable.
- Fixed:
Compatible with WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency plugin
Improvement translations.
- Added:
- Updated:
- Fixed:
- Fixed:
WP Form plugin override validate text in Login form.
Wrong theme version
- Added:
new translate for Cart Countdown Timer.
new setting allow change cart empty image.
- Updated:
Improvement wishlist style.
Improvement UX: Close quick view modal when product adding to cart.
Improvement UX: Close wishlist modal when product adding to cart.
Improvement UX: Close quick view modal when product adding to wishlist.
Improvement cart empty.
- Added:
new setting allow change star icon to heart icon for Shop.
new setting allow hide wishlist button on single product.
- Updated:
WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce v.4.3.0
WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce v.6.3.6
WPC Frequently Bought Together for WooCommerce v4.4.1
WPC Product Tabs for WooCommerce v.1.6.3
WPC Smart Notification for WooCommerce v.2.1.5
Cart goal free shipping working for multi countries.
Improvement Dokan single store breadcrumb text.
- Fixed:
widget tooltip cropped when off sidebar enable.
- Added:
new action hook "minimog/mobile_menu/components/before"
new action hook "minimog/mobile_menu/components/after"
- Updated:
improvement popup search UX.
Compatible with PHP 8.1
- Fixed:
product images variation not working properly with loop mode.
- Added:
new header layout 09.
new header icon set.
allow change wishlist icon star to heart.
minimal header settings.
improvement shop sidebar off-canvas.
improvement product attribute layered widget.
new setting for widgets collapsed by default.
improvement single product with Paypal button.
improvement live views visitors.
support product estimated shipping per hours.
- Updated:
WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce v.4.2.3
WPC Smart Compare for WooCommerce v.5.1.4
WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce v.6.3.5
Off-sidebar closed on a filter applied.
add Sort option for Product Categories Layered Nav widget.
improvement UI/UX for Product Categories widget.
Filtering cache terms count to improvement performance.
Product variation image changed on variation found without add variation images to gallery.
- Fixed:
Product images slider broken if image's title has double quotes chars.
Mini Cart count not show properly when Litespeed cache plugin.
product tabs not working properly with Polylang