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Log Update Item WavePlayer - Waveform Audio Player for WordPress and WooCommerce
This page only show history update item WavePlayer - Waveform Audio Player for WordPress and WooCommerce.

* FIX: Missing block registration

* FIX: Wrong container CSS property

* DEV: Added new event to the script

* NEW: Added support for product import/export

* NEW: Added Play,Wave'n'List skin, that adds a visible playlist to the Play'n'Wave skin

* ENH: Improved track-related product query when ElasticPress is in use

* ENH: Used transient to speed up the product preview files loading time

* FIX: Problem with tracks being skipped on track end

* FIX: Problem with skip buttons triggering the current instance instead of the ones they belong to

* FIX: Autoplay being forced to true under certain conditions

* ENH: Access to the Soundcloud API now requires personal Client ID and Client Secret credentials

* ENH: Added filter to prevent FontAwesome fonts from being loaded

* FIX: Retrieving tracks from Soundcloud causes HTTP errors

* FIX: Regenerating peak files is stuck when downloadable files are included in the Media library

* FIX: Added id to icon font style inline element

* FIX: Custom fields defined in the Placeholder admin panel are not correctly added as placeholders

* FIX: Updated support to latest Soundcloud API

* FIX: Updated support for Elementor 3.5

* ENH: Improved the design of the Thumb'n'Wave skin

* ENH: Removed the now deprecated ScriptProcessorNode

* ENH: Replaced ScriptProcessorNode with a true requestAnimationFrame implementation for optimize refresh rates

Product Added to the system.