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Log Update Item Oxy Toolbox
This page only show history update item Oxy Toolbox.

* [Editor Tweaks] Removed these redundant features: Compact View For Element Buttons, Dropdowns On Hover, Expanded Oxygen Toolbar Menus, Expanded Select Box Options and Media Query Buttons.

* [Navigator] Adjusted the CSS to remove unwanted gaps at the top and for correct height of the structure panel.

* [Others] Removed Rank Math support since it is now built-in.

* [Conditions] Fixed these WooCommerce specific conditions: Has Empty Cart, Has Product in Cart, Product in Category, Product has Tag, Product on Sale, Product is Virtual, Product is Downloadable, Product has Image, Product in Stock, Has Cart Weight, Is at Endpoint, Has Purchased Product, Stock Status, Has Purchased Product and Has Cart Total.

* [Scripts] Updated scripts' assets.

* [Essentials] Cleaned up.

* [Classes Cleaner] Updated CSS for Oxygen 4.0.

* [Text Edit] Fixed missing default text of components, when text edit is on.

* [Fullscreen] Fixed Shrinking of viewport.

* [Conditions] Fixed a couple of notices.

* [Text Edit] Fixed a couple of notices.

* [Conditions] Added "User has written" condition which enables you to output elements depending on whether or not the current user viewing the page has written at least 1 item of the selected post type.


* [Conditions] Fixed Country condition detection. If the condition is already being used, please remove and re-apply.

* [Editor Tweaks] → Easy Panels: Added sub option "Show Oxygen's Primary/Advanced tabs as well".,

* [Editor Tweaks] → Easy Panels: Added blue light indicator for panels with user-set properties.

* [Editor Tweaks] → Easy Panels: Added tooltips for the panels.

* [Essentials] Fixed close button (x) of panels like the Structure not working.

* [Essentials] Removed 100% width for svg.

Product Added to the system.