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Log Update Item Doctreat - Doctors Directory WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Doctreat - Doctors Directory WordPress Theme.

-- Delete videos from back-end confirm box issue has been fixed

-- Education and experience saving issue has been fixed

-- Restricted doctors to create appointments from the dashboard if they are not verified

-- Some translation issues fixed

-- Add review wait time bar colors issue has been fixed

-- Chosen library updated with select2 throughout the theme

-- Registration password issue with the & sign, has been fixed

-- Book an appointment was showing with the package has no options for booking, the issue has been fixed

-- Dynamically added slots, delete button click issue has been fixed

-- Submitting services under the specialties issue has been fixed

-- Doctor detail page education and experience detail show issue has been fixed

-- We have added sortable for phone, membership, and videos

-- Some RTL issues fixed

-- Services saving issue with the packages has been fixed

-- Child theme updated

-- Doctreat core plugin updated 1.4.8

-- Doctreat cron plugin update 1.4.8