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Log Update Item ACF Frontend Pro
This page only show history update item ACF Frontend Pro.

Fixed ACF Fields in multi step showing

 * Added "Post to Edit" field type to allow users to easily choose which post to edit with a dropdown

 * Added "Product to Edit" field type to allow users to easily choose which product to edit with a dropdown

 * Added option to change the "frontend-dashboard" slug

 * Fixed url query post not loading field values

 * Fixed User email field not updating when edited

 * Fixed username editing logs user out

 * Fixed hidden modal button

 * Fixed default value not including shortcodes on submit

 * Added ACF Frontend quick access to admin toolbar

 * Fixed ACF Fields not saving in admin form builder

 * Fixed "confirm password" field not hiding initially in multi step form

 * Added submissions shortcode to forms: [acf_frontend submissions="{form id}"]

 * Removed bulk add fields option in form builder

Fixed multi step error in Elementor widgets

 * Fixed verification email being sent when not activated

 * Fixed hidden field removing value in edit forms

 * Fixed multi step issue with acf fields 

 * Removed unecessary wrapper around ACF Fields causing fields to show on one line

 * Fixed woo product forms not saving

 * Fixed status field appearing as checkbox instead of radio