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Log Update Item reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce
This page only show history update item reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce.

Fixes for reCaptcha v3 multiple instance not working on checkout in some themes

Fixed Google Pay issue in some themes

* Fixes for order tracking causing problem for contact form 7 reCaptcha.

* Fixes for order tracking captcha turn off ignored.

Fixes for WooCommerce signup/login captcha did not work for some themes to due to custom forms.

* Added support for buddy press signup. See reCaptcha for WooCommerce Signup Settings.

* Fixes settings mismatch for Signup with WP signup method

* Tested with WordPress 5.9

* WooCommerce 6.0 compatibility fixes.

* Tested with WooCommerce 6.0

reCaptcha V3 fixes:- Add payment method asking for captcha even it is disabled to use captcha.

* Fixed pay for an order captcha not showing when not enabled for login/guest captcha.

* Separated captcha option for cart request button captcha and product page request button captcha

<p>Move reCaptcha to last field in review form of WooCommerce as it looks better.<br></p>

* Fixed PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $i13_recapcha_v2_lang