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Log Update Item Divi BodyCommerce
This page only show history update item Divi BodyCommerce.

* FIX - Removal of wishlist and compare settings for now, was added before feature released

* FIX - Variation Swatches button width issue

* FIX - Fix notice for ajax on checkout page

* FIX - Hide auto-show mini cart on mobile if you enable it to do so

* FIX - Ajax Settings link in the mini cart settings tab not working

FIX - CSS issue, stylesheets not loading in admin and frontend on some features

* MOD - Optomised checkout code to load only CSS needed for the custom checkout style (for example dont load multistep css for shopify style)

* FIX - Fixed related products title custom style not working

* FIX - Fixed css for shopify checkout style. 

* FIX - Fixed Mini cart blind issue when header has animation

FIX - Improved fixing Icon issue with new Divi Update from Divi 4.13.0