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Log Update Item Media File Renamer PRO
This page only show history update item Media File Renamer PRO.

* Add: Consider WebP as an "Image"

* Fix: The 'Featured Only' and 'Images Only' were not working perfectly.

* Update: Optimized the way options are updated and retrieved.

* Update: Some refactoring to simplify the code.

* Add: Auto-retry on failure, up to 10 times.

* Fix: Typos.

Add: Handle errors gracefully (with retry, skip or cancel).

* Add: Support for Elementor (update the metadata and CSS).

* Update: Use the default WordPress font (to avoid loading data from Google Fonts) and a few UI enhancements.

* Note 1: I released a new plugin!  It's simply called Database Cleaner. It's probably already the most powerful cleaner for DB, so please give it a try: [Database Cleaner](

* Note 2: This plugin is a lot of work. If you like it, please write a little review [by clicking here](

Update: Fresh build and support for WordPress 5.9.

* Add: The possibility of locking files automatically after a manual rename (which was always the case previously), and/or after a automatic rename (that was not possible previously). With this last option, users having trouble to "Rename All" will be given the choice to do it on any kind of server. You will find those options in the Advanced tab.

* Add: "Delay" option, to give a break and a reset to the server between asynchronous requests! Default to 100ms. That will avoid the server to time out, or to slow down on purpose.

* Fix: Avoid renaming when the URLs (before/after) are empty.

* Add: New option to update URLs in the excerpts (no need to use it for most users).

* Update: Avoid double call to the mfrh_url_renamed (seemed to be completely useless).

* Update: Added a new 'size' argument to the mfrh_url_renamed action.

* Update: Optimized queries.

* Add: We can change the page (in the dashboard) by typing it.

* Add: AVIF support.

* Fix: Avoid the double renaming when different registered sizes actually use the same file.

* Add: Better Force Rename.

* Add: Featured Images Only option.

* Fix: Auto-attach feature wasn't working properly with Featured Image when attached to Product.