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Log Update Item Real3D FlipBook WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Real3D FlipBook WordPress Plugin.

- fix - detection of iPad as mobile

- fix - print page, download page

- fix - webgl mode, jpg flipbook not working

- fix - page with category shortcode cannot be edited in Elementor 

- fix - print all pages (print PDF) in Safari

- improvement - PDF search results

- fix - unique taxonomy names

- fix - saving option background music mp3

- new - option corner curl

- new - custom flipbook permalink

- new - option to disable flipbook permalink

- new - link flash animation

- fix - options UI > Button > Padding Vertical, UI > Button > Padding Horizontal

- fix - thumbnails position after opening bookmarks

- fix - text search highlight color

- fix - share on WhatsApp on desktop 

- fix - webgl mode

- fix - flip sound

- support for Page Editor Add-on version 1.1

- fix - fullscreen mode flipbook

- fix - flip sound

- fix - responsive view - go to last page if no back cover

- improvement - WebGL mode book thickness

- fix - go to last page when single page view and no back cover

- fix - print pages - set images to be 100% width of the paper

- fix - js error on mobile

- new - option Front Cover - disable to displaying only inner pages (1-2, 3-4, ...) 

- new - option PDF Text Layer - if text layer will be rendered, disable for faster page load, enable for text selection and text search