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Log Update Item Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder
This page only show history update item Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder.

* Change: updated freemius to the latest version

* Fix: fixed remote play / pause button

* Fix: fixed search filter unicode phrase

* Fix: fixed entrance animation appear on scroll

* Feature: added video gallery responsive options

* Fix: fixed some owl carousel size on init bug

* Fix: fixed js widgets under the dynamic grid template like flipbox

* Feature: added integration to woocommerce multicourancy plugins

* Feature: made some integration with translate press plugin

* Feature: added select post and select term attribute

* Fix: fixed dynamic loop css backgrounds with containers

* Fix: fixed mousewheel event in the carousel

* Fix: fixed some rare php error with filters

* Fix: fixed galleries default sizes with post filters

* Fix: fixed hidden option in select filter in safari browser

* Fix: fixed non ssl assets url

* Feature: added "schema" special attribute

* Fix: fixed false autoplay in carousel

bug fix: fixed include by id's from dynamic field, and terms from dynamic field in post selection

* Fix: fixed a small issue with search page and load more

* Fix: fix vimeo videos stoppped playing bug

* Fix: fixed popular posts plugin integration

* Fix: removed some console logs in filter.js file

* Fix: fixed ajax pagination jump

* Fix: fixed unitegallery strict standards bugs

* Change: renamed field - "use dynamic fields" to "use current post data" in widget editor

* Change: updated freemius sdk to: 2.4.5

* Feature: added debug to remote elements

* Fix: made some protection against wrong animation names in carousel

* Fix: added some small fixes to carousel and remote sync js libraries

* Fix: done a better find closest section in remote

* Fix: fixed not showing values in elementor editor post selectors

* Feature: added option to set title field in items

* Fix: fixed some more lazy load related protections in galleries

* Fix: Fixed some Elementor 3.7 deprecation issues

-feature: added option to connect to another parent in remote arrows

-bug fix: fixed doubly plugin integration import bg widgets

-feature: added change url and back button in ajax filers behaviour

-bug fix: fixed remote next/prev directions in carousels

-bug fix: added some more protection against infinite loops from post content processing

* Feature: added more widget debug type - current post fields

* Feature: updated admin title on edit widget view

* Feature: added option to carousel: scroll to head

* Feature: added query data attributes into filtering grid

* Fix: fixed ajax pagination in some cases

* Fix: fixed small php bug with hover animations control

* Fix: fixed lity lightbox with vimeo autoplay

* Fix: fixed item index after shuffle

* Fix: fixed some seleted tab filters related issues

* Fix: fixed load more filter doubly ajax request in some cases

* Fix: fixed woo scedualed sale price output

* Fix: in filters replace url with pagination as well

* Fix: changed gallery arrows to svg