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Log Update Item Bookly PRO – Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software System
This page only show history update item Bookly PRO – Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software System.

Added support for Bookly 20.3

Added Google Meet integration for scheduling online meetings

Added new codes for notifications: {cancel_all_combined_appointments}, {cancel_all_combined_appointments_url}

Updated the Google sign-in button to resolve an issue with app verification for GC sync

Fixed an issue with incorrect work of ‘Minimum time requirement prior to booking’ option

Fixed an issue with inability to book collaborative service when it contained simple services with duration of several days

Added support for Bookly 20.2

Added ability to enable Email logs in Email Notifications. This option allows you to see the list of all email notifications that were sent.

Added ability to export Internal note column in Appointments section

Added ability to use {appointment_end_date} and {appointment_end_time} codes in WooCommerce cart description

Added ability to use {cancel_appointment} and {cancel_appointment_url} codes in Google Calendar/Outlook Calendar > Template for event description

Now ‘Cancel appointment action’ setting is located in Settings > Appointments

Added support for Bookly 20.1

Added new setting: Displayed time slots (Settings > Appointments). This setting allows to select what time slots will be shown when creating a new appointment via backend.

Added Customer address and Customer birthday columns to the Appointments section

Added ability to set what value should be selected first (staff or service) when creating a new appointment via backend

Added ability to set Minimum time requirement prior to booking/canceling for each service separately

Added ability to include cancellation reason input box in the [bookly-cancellation-confirmation] shortcode

Fixed an issue with validation errors when editing service

Fixed an issue when Customer Information fields were deleted after re-booking

Fixed an issue when custom fields were not displayed in the [bookly-appointments-list] shortcode in Gutenberg editor

Fixed an issue when combined email notification was not sent if payment attached to appointment