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Log Update Item Paid Memberships Pro - Auto-Renewal Checkbox at Membership Checkout
This page only show history update item Paid Memberships Pro - Auto-Renewal Checkbox at Membership Checkout.

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Updated the "cancel on next payment date" logic to work how the latest version of the CONPD plugin works. Will also use the CONPD plugin instead of the included code, if the CONPD add on is active. The CONPD add on will be merged into PMPro core sometime in the future.

* BUG FIX: Fixed some localization issues.

* BUG FIX: When a discount code is used, this plugin will NOT try to adjust the level at checkout to be recurring or not. Instead, it uses the settings from the discount code. We fixed an issue where the plugin sometimes DID try to adjust the level in these cases.