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Log Update Item StoreApps - Manage your WooCommerce store 10x faster
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* Fix: Custom views functionality not working properly after last update (Pro)

* Update: POT file

* New: Improved UI/UX

* New: Improved notification messages

* New: Added option for resetting column state for any dashboard to default state

* New: Added option `sm_grid_row_height` to manage 'height' for the rows in Smart Manager grid

* Update: Improved compatibility with [LifterLMS]( (Pro)

* Update: Pricing page related changes

* Fix: 'Product SKU' value not getting updated when prepending it with '0' using inline edit functionality for WooCommerce Products

* Fix: When viewing of 'Trash' records enabled it was causing issue with color codes for statuses in WooCommerce Orders & WooCommerce Subscriptions (Pro) dashboards

* Fix: 'Discount type' column editing not working for WooCommerce Coupons dashboard 

* Fix: 'Copy from' and 'Copy from field' Bulk Edit actions not working for Users dashboard (Pro)

* Fix: Incorrect data type for 'Nickname' column in Users dashboard (Pro)

* Fix: Delete records functionality not getting blocked when any background process is running (Pro)

* Fix: 'Discount type' column editing not working for LifterLMS Coupons dashboard (Pro)

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Some minor fixes

* New: View 'Trash' records for any post type

* New: 'Copy from field' action in Bulk Edit to copy a value from any other field for any record (Pro)

* Fix: WP Media library not showing when trying to Bulk Edit WooCommerce Products 'Product Image Gallery' field (Pro)

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Some minor fixes

* New: WordPress v5.9.3 compatible

* Fix: Field and Action data column names missing in email sent after completion of any background process (Pro)

* Fix: Sorting by 'Featured' column in WooCommerce Products dashboard not working

* Fix: PHP warning when loading Coupons dashboard and deleting records (Pro)

* Fix: PHP warning when bulk editing empty 'Regular price' & 'Sale price' for WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Some minor fixes

* New: WordPress v5.9.2 compatible

* Update: Updated 'Action Scheduler' library (Pro)

* Fix: Fatal error when running Bulk Edit or Duplicate Records functionality in background for any non WooCommerce dashboards (Pro) 

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Some minor fixes

* New: Support for JavaScript string translations

* New: WooCommerce v6.3.1 compatible

* New: Translation files for Italian (Thanks to Giacomo Mazzullo)

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Some minor fixes

* New: WordPress v5.9.1 compatible & WooCommerce v6.2.1 compatible

* Fix: Smart Manager incorrectly detects user capabilities (Thanks to Algis)

* Fix: Issues in dashboard loading when removing access for user role (Pro)

* Fix: Dashboard data not getting loaded for any user role when giving access only to custom view (Pro)

* Fix: 'Public' access setting for custom views not getting rendered properly (Pro)

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Some minor fixes

* Update: Option to add/remove columns to/from already created custom views (Pro)

* Fix: Custom views name not getting updated (Pro)

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Some minor fixes

* New: WooCommerce v6.2.0 compatible

* New: Added option to allow users to increase/decrease date,datetime & time field by durations of days, weeks, months, years, hours & minutes (Pro)

* Fix: Timestamp fields getting 0 value when clearing date using date picker in inline edit

* Fix: Bulk Edit placeholder for value field not getting cleared after switching actions (Pro)

* Update: Added 'set time to' action for 'time' fields

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Some minor fixes

* New: WordPress v5.9 compatible

* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Dropshipping]( (Pro)

* Update: Improvements related to overriding Order Print Invoice template (WooCommerce)

* Update: Pricing page related changes

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Some minor fixes