Update: Unnecessary field remove from job form.
* Fix: Compatibility with PHP 8.x.
* Fix: Functionality error resolved.
* Fix: FacetWP plugin compatibility with our theme.
* Fix: Wordpress 6.0.1 compatibility.
* Fix: WP Job Manager 1.37.0 compatibility.
Fix: TimePicker dropdown design issue resolved.
Fix: Submodule issue resolved.
Add: Appointify plugin compatibility.
*Add: Embed feature requests submission link in Listify theme.
*Fix: Listify theme schema issue.
*Fix: Vintage skin - search filter input background color issue.
*Fix: Vintage skin - Image broken issue in style kit under customizer.
*Fix: Vintage skin - resolve map position issue on category listing page.
*Fix: Vintage skin - Overlay issues on home page category and CTA section.
*Fix: fix scroll issue on submit listing from with error.
*Fix: Wordpress 5.8 compatibility.