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Log Update Item Modern Tribe Event Tickets Plus WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Modern Tribe Event Tickets Plus WordPress Plugin.

* Fix - When using WooCommerce the SKU will properly appear when creating a ticket using Community Tickets. [CT-64]

* Language - 3 new strings added, 17 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Version - Event Tickets Plus 5.6.7 is only compatible with Event Tickets 5.5.8 and higher.

* Tweak - PHP version compatibility bumped to PHP 7.4

* Tweak - Version Composer updated to 2

* Tweak - Version Node updated to 18.13.0

* Tweak - Version NPM update to 8.19.3

* Fix - Add a safe-check for the Easy Digital Downloads implementation to prevent a fatal error. [ETP-857]

* Fix - Properly save the check-in details for attendees on check-in. [ETP-819]

* Tweak - Display dependeny missing warning notice for QR code setup. [ETP-759]

* Enhancement - Add option to check-in QR codes only for events that are happening now. [ETP-820]

* Enhancement - Introduced new Integrations tab for Tickets Settings. [ETP-806]

* Enhancement - Introduced new QR code banner for Event Tickets Plus App connection. [ETP-822]

* Language - 0 new strings added, 1 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Version - Event Tickets Plus 5.6.0 is only compatible with Event Tickets 5.5.0 and higher

* Version - Event Tickets Plus 5.6.0 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.0.0 and higher.

* Enhancement - Adds a compatibility layer to work with the new Recurrence Backend Engine in TEC/ECP.

* Language - 0 new strings added, 15 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted