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Log Update Item WooCommerce Mix and Match Products
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Mix and Match Products.

* Fix: Double-charging for child items when ordering again. #466.

* Fix: Front-end validation allow overfilled container to be reduced. #461.

* Fix: Child Category IDs are not imported. #467. 

* Tweak: Make get_child_item_by_product_id() method public.

* Tweak: Use core cart functions for detecting parent/child relationships in cart item filters.

* Tweak: Add wrapping <span> when doing wc_ajax_mnm_update_container_order_item. For compat with mini-extensions.

* Tweak: Admin edit orders, handle updates with no changes.

* New: Child item step validation on the front-end.

* Fix: Quantity input should default to child minimum if one exists.

* Fix: Add aria-live="polite" on status message.

* Fix: Apply Flatsome compatibility classes only in grid layout.

* Tweak: Animate toast-style error notices for individual child items.

* Tweak: Add query_id parameter to wc_get_products() params when querying child items by category.

* Fix: Double-application of taxes in front-end status price display.

* Fix: Replace deprecated jQuery.isFunction()

* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.7.0.

* New: Filter woocommerce_subscriptions_switch_link_text in Subs 4.5.0

* New: Add `wc_mnm_editing_container_in_order_configuration` filter.

* Fix: Add validation to editing container configuration in order admin.

* Fix: Only apply switch link changes to Mix and Match products.

* Fix: Quantity input display when min=max. #438.

* Fix: Fatal error in admin notices - WC_MNM_Install does not exist when WooCommerce is not active.

* Fix: One Page Checkout compatibility with full-width display. #441.

* Tweak: Make reset link behaves more like "clear".

* Tweak: Remove duplicate value attribute from add to cart button.

* Tweak: Add alt class to reset button.

* Dev: Add support for changing frontend validation messages based on context.

* Fix: Fatal error in cart, undefined function esc_html__x().

* Fix: version_compare() with null as first param is deprecated in php 8.1 #436

* Fix: Metabox link to run upgrade, will actually run upgrade and not scroll to top. #435

* Fix: Do not prompt upgrade routine on new installs.

* New: Introduce subscription switching text string setting for customizing text of subscription switch link for Mix and Match products.

* Fix: Support displaying SVG icons directly in metabox, better support for alternative layouts.

* Fix: Reorder validation so max messages are used when min=0 and max=X.

* Fix: Magic getter passthrough for product methods on child item object.