Order List Page:
✔ Add Invoice No. column for Order table (sortable + generate button)
✔ Add Customer Store column for Order table (sortable)
✔ Add Customer Country column for Order table (sortable)
✔ Add Customer Affiliate column for Order table (sortable)
✔ Add Customer Company column for Order table (sortable)
✔ Add Customer Email column for Order table (sortable)
✔ Add Customer Telephone column for Order table (sortable)
✔ Add Customer Group column for Order table (sortable)
✔ Add Shipping Method column for Order table (sortable)
✔ Add Payment Method column for Order table (sortable)
✔ Add Country Flag Icon (not sortable)
✔ Add Weight column for Order table also including option weight (not sortable)
✔ Optional Columns ( you can choose which columns you want to be visible)
Order detail hover window: (placed in ID column)
✔ Store Name
✔ Store Url
✔ Order products including Images
✔ Customer's Full Name
✔ Customer's Group
✔ Customer's E-mail
✔ Customer's Phone
✔ Shipping Address
✔ Payment Address
✔ Comment