This extension will display "Ask for quote" or any other text that you like, for products that have 0 (zero) price. and will change add to cart button to any other text you like. for example, 'Inquiry Now'. It works independent from different currencies, multiple currencies, left or right currencies, etc.
All you need to do, is to install the extension, and put 0 price for the products you don't want to have prices. And set the phrases which you want to show instead of price and add to cart button. It will show phrase you entered instead of price. and change the add to cart button to phrase you have entered. For example, 'Inquiry Now'.
Also it will display another tab in product page called 'Product Inquiry' which will contain a form with name, email and message fields. From where customers can inquire about the product.
You will get an email with customer's name, email, message and product name which they want to know about.
Just see the pictures, and you'll get the idea ;)
If you need any help, free installation is on its way. Just contact me by leaving a comment, or via email at plenaryweb (at) gmail (dot) com
Free customization as per your third party theme or multilanguage support.
Contact me if you want quotation system for add to quote multiple products together.
Installation is as simple as it can be, just upload the files you have downloaded and it's all done. No files are overwritten, no complicated database queries, no trouble at all.
If you need any help, free installation is on its way. Just contact me by leaving a comment, or via email at plenaryweb (at) gmail (dot) com