* Update: Add Editorial Comments menu, #319
* Update: Add file upload option to Editorial Comments, #757
* Fixed: Notification User Role Keeps Reverting, #1136
* Fixed: No Save Button on Editorial Comment Setting, #1134
* Fixed: Error on console when accessing Widget, #1135
* Fixed: Fatal error preventing user update, #1152
* Fixed: Editorial Notifications channel not updating when user is updated, #1151
* Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined property warning on notification add/edit screen, #1147
* Fixed: Add editorial comments metabox priority filter, #1084
* Fixed: Extra "General" heading in "Slack" and "Reminders", #1122
* Fixed: Publishpress-v3.8.4-ES-FR-IT_TranslationUpdate-5_October2022, #1133
* Fixed: Press-ES-FR-IT-Translation-Update-September2022, #1124
* Fixed: Custom Status Conflict – PublishPress, #1105
* Update: Show Content Overview Post Types Content Together, #1062
* Update: Change to Content Overview "Start Date" and "End Date" filter, #1064
* Update: Update to Settings tabs #443
* Update: Publishpress-ES-FR-IT-translation-update_August2022, #1104
* Update: Sticky filters on the Calendar, #1088
* Update: Allow users to choose whether or not to show the whole page title, #1089
* Fixed: Double slug on hierarchical page when in draft mode, #1087
* Fixed: Metadata box shows errors if there are no fields, #1085
* Fixed: Problem with html characters on calendar, #1037
* Fixed: Metadata filters don't work on Content Overview, #1070
* Fixed: Fix calendar time picker time picker, #914
* Update: Stop loading assets on non-PublishPress /wp-admin/ pages, #330
* Update: Allow mentioning Slack users using the username instead of requiring the user IDs, #1045
* Update: Added new token {!everyone} {!here} and {!subteam^abcde123456} to enable “Everyone” , “Here” and “User group” mention in notification, #1044
* Fixed: Slack notifications referencing slack users by raw member IDs stopped working after v3.7.1, #1042
* Update: Improve content overview date filter, #969;
* Update: Move content overview from general settings to it own tab, #971;
* Added: Add support for more taxonomies in content overview screen, #970;
* Added: Add metadata filter option to content overview screen, #935;
* Fixed: Fix all users showing in dropdow on calendar and content overview screen, #1035;
* Fixed: Fix status permissions on calendar, #1038;
* Added: Add publishpress-instance-protection package, #1034;