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If-So - Dynamic Content Pro - V1.9.3

Version: 1.9.3

Item cover for download If-So - Dynamic Content Pro


Item description
Personalize content in minutes! Add or replace content according to the visitor’s profile and interaction with the site. Works on pages, posts, and widgets.

An easy way to improve conversions, engagement, sales and bounce rates.

If>So enables you to provide your website visitors with a personalized content experience by adding or replacing selected parts of your website’s content. The plugin makes it easy and simple to drive more visitors to action by presenting visitors with the most suitable messages!

Add or replace content according to one or more of the following criteria:

Geolocation (country, city, state, continent)
User’s device
Start & end date
Schedule – specific days and hours (pro/free-trial)
Logged-in users
Referral source (pro/free-trial)
User’s browser language (pro/free-trial)
Dynamic URL / Query-string (pro/free-trial)
Advertising platforms (pro/free-trial)
First-time visitors (pro/free-trial)
Returning visitors (pro/free-trial)
Pages visited (pro/free-trial)
Page URL (pro/free-trial)
UTM parameters (pro/free-trial)
– Learn more about the conditions

If>So is simple to use. All you have to do is select a condition and set the result. The content will be added to your site or will replace existing content if the set condition is met.

Add content/marketing messages if a condition is met
Replace titles, text, images, and colors if a condition is met
Very simple to use
No coding skills required
Option to display content when several conditions are met
Works on pages, posts, and widgets
Full visual editor
Use as shortcode generator
If>So allows you to customize anything on your website including titles, texts, images, videos, and colors. Customization can be created both on the page content and in the widget area.

When a user visits your site and sees a dynamic content version, you can choose to display the same personalized content version when the visitor returns. This option is not dependent on the visitor meeting the same condition once again that triggered the initial display of the content version.

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This list only shows little history changelog. See the full changelog of this item --> FULL CHANGELOG.
01 Jan 2025 - Version 1.9.3
01 Jan 2024 - Version 1.7.1
09 Sep 2022 - Version 1.5.8 NULLED

* Compatibility with various cookie consent plugins and systems was added: Cookiebot, Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA(hu-compliance), Complianz.

* [ifso-show-post] shortcode - Improved the shortcode while using WPBakery and Divi posts(templates). Adding the attributes type="WPB" or type="divi" to make sure the post content loads correctly.

* WP filters for content resulting from rendering triggers/widgets were added: apply_filters( 'ifso_standalone_condition_content', string $content ), apply_filters('ifso_shortcode_content',string $content, array $atts).

* [ifso-audience] shortcode - added ability to add/remove users from audiences based on query strings, either by using a URL param value as audience name or a condition to determine whether the user should be added/removed:

    [ifso-audience type='add' from='query' param='myparam'] - will add the user to the group, whose name is the value of the "myparam" querystring parameter. default value for param is "ifso_audience".

    [ifso-audience type='remove' from='query-condition' param='myparam' param_value='my-remove-parameter' audience='group1'] - will only remove the user from group "group1" if the "myparam" query string value equals "my-remove-parameter".

* [ifsoDKI] shortcode - added "before" and "after" attrs that allow injecting text around the content while dynamic content is displayed(not fallback).

* [ifsoDKI] shortcode - added "persist" attr for query-string DKI - to show content when the user browses other pages, even if the query string is not present anymore(during tone session).

* Edit Trigger page - UI improvements.

* SEO plugins compatibility - Allow using If-So shortcodes in the title and meta desc fields of YOAST and Rank Math.

* New feature - find (scan for) If-So shortcodes on posts and pages' main content field

* Added ability to exclude specific users from geolocation based on cookie or their IP,  using a new wp filter:

    apply_filters('ifso_exclude_from_geo',array $excluded)   $excluded array format : ['cookie'=>['exclude_from_geo'],'ip'=>[]]

* New condition - post category (works also on custom taxonomies and terms)

* Elementor trigger element - added "Load with ajax" option

* If-So content loaded via ajax - improve compatibility with page builder content by making sure the js code within it runs in the global scope

* Bug fixes and performance improvements

02 Jul 2022 - Version

* Dynamic Keyword Insertion - an option to load the shortcodes with Ajax was added (add the parameter ajax="yes" to the shortcode)

* Trigger Events extension compatibility - support the option to load triggers above the header on all pages (through the plugin's settings)

* Bug fixes 

14 Jun 2022 - Version

Bug fixes - Elementor triggers widget not displaying content in some cases 

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  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
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Created 10-11-2020
Updated 01-01-2025
Catégorie Creative
Taille du fichier 2.55 MB
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