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LearnDash Zapier Integration - V2.3.0

Version: 2.3.0

Item cover for download LearnDash Zapier Integration


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This list only shows little history changelog. See the full changelog of this item --> FULL CHANGELOG.
18 Dec 2021 - Version 2.3.0

* Added quiz filter before sending trigger

* Added topic filter before sending trigger

* Added lesson filter before sending trigger

* Added groups ids filter

* Added get object list methods and update get sample to use courses_ids arg

* Added get courses list trigger handler and add filter course before sending triggers

* Updated return object list in ascending title order

* Updated add trigger arguments to pull sample

* Updated add request and payload arguments to polling triggers

* Updated get object sample based on selected objects

* Updated improve triggers hook filter before being sent

* Fixed quiz completed zap is not triggered after taking a quiz

* Fixed PHP warning for uncountable object

* Fixed get object list methods may return data in incorrect format

* Fixed undefined property error

* Fixed undefined variable

* Fixed make sure only return quiz result sample if it has same keys and value types as live data

16 Sep 2021 - Version 2.2.3

* Fixed can't call Zapier URL preventing some triggers from working

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Created 15-01-2020
Updated 18-12-2021
Catégorie Plugin
Taille du fichier 0.02 MB
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