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Car Dealer Automotive WordPress Theme – Responsive - V5.3.0

Version: 5.3.0

Item cover for download Car Dealer Automotive WordPress Theme – Responsive


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This list only shows little history changelog. See the full changelog of this item --> FULL CHANGELOG.
09 Aug 2023 - Version 5.3.0
06 Nov 2022 - Version 4.5.1

* Fixed: Fixed fatal error when updating from very old version.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle filter dropdown (with lot of items) formatting issue.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Various Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.

19 Sep 2022 - Version 4.3.0

* New: Added "Advertise Item" feature for dealers/sellers to advertise their items.

* New: Added "Listing Payment" feature for dealers/sellers to pay for the new Add Car entry.

* New: Added vehicle view count in the Dealer Dashboard > My Items.

* Added: Added theme options for new features Advertise Item, Listing Payment.

* Added: Added theme option to show/hide dealer logo and name in the vehicle listing.

* Added: Added theme option to hide dealer name.

* Added: Added fix to display listing type in Dealer Dashboard > My Items for imported vehicles.

* Added: Added new label fields in the Fuel Economy widget.

* Fixed: Fixed issue with vehicle enable/disable when package subscription is expired.

* Fixed: Added fix for fatal error when Subscriptio plugin is not installed/activated.

* Fixed: Fixed fatal error when disabling the vehicle from the dealer dashboard.

* Fixed: Fixed listing layout in Dealer Dashboard vehicle listing.

* Fixed: fixed duplicate reCaptcha on the Add Car page when user is not logged in.

* Fixed: Fixed seller profile review design issue.

* Fixed: Fixed counter widget/shortcode not working correctly.

* Fixed: Fixed translation issue in the category list on the FAQ page.

* Fixed: Fixed "Add Car" button is not working in mobile view.

* Fixed: Fixed "Buy Online" button is not working in mobile view.

* Fixed: Fixed fatal error when disabling the vehicle from the dealer dashboard.

* Fixed: Fixed close icon for images on edit car page.

* Fixed: Fixed Redux Framework deprecated functions.

* Fixed: Fixed formatting issue on the "Sold Car" template.

* Fixed: Fixed listing type for old items or items added from the backend or import process.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle enable/disable issue in the dealer dashboard for vehicles added by import and VINQuery.

* Fixed: Fixed button formatting issue on various WooCommerce - My Account pages.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle enable/disable issue when subscription expires and vehicle status changes.

* Fixed: Fixed error message when enabling/disabling vehicle in the dealer dashboard.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle listing formatting issue in Dealer Dashboard when listing layout is Grid.

* Fixed: Fixed vehicle listing formatting issue in seller profile

* Fixed: Fixed PHP Notice.

* Fixed: Fixed typo.

* Fixed: Fixed text domain.

* Updated: Updated backend dealer profile editing.

* Updated: Updated currency list and symbols.

* Updated: Made financial calculator error messages translatable.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Various Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.

14 May 2022 - Version 4.0.0

* New: "Car Dealer Templates", the WPBakery/Elementor template builder for vehicle pages.

* New: "Vehicle Detail" page builder in the "Car Dealer Templates".

* New: "Vehicle Detail Mobile" page builder in the "Car Dealer Templates".

* Added: New theme options section "Car Dealer Templates" to manage templates visibility on the vehicle detail page.

* Added: New theme option 'Vehicle layout Type' for vehicle single page template.

* Added: New theme option 'Hide Page Header' for vehicle single page template.

* Added: New option to select the vehicle template for individual vehicles.

* Added: Added hook to filter auto-complete search arguments.

* Added: Vehicle data support in the Yoast SEO.

* Added: New elements (WPBakery Shortcodes/Elementor Widgets) for vehicle detail page builder.

* Fixed: Elementor deprecated functions/methods notices.

* Fixed: Visibility issue with client logo images when the lazy load is enabled.

* Fixed: Print button/link not working on the vehicle detail page.

* Fixed: The reCAPTCHA is not working in lead forms on the vehicle detail page.

* Fixed: Social security number label issue in the financial lead form.

* Fixed: Breadcrumb title visibility issue on the inventory page.

* Fixed: Vehicle makes visibility issue in the Vehicle by Type widget Elementor.

* Fixed: Vehicle location tabs are not working.

* Fixed: Author page not displaying any author data.

* Fixed: Update the Owl Carousal lib to fix the broken structure in Firefox.

* Fixed: Fixed text domain.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

* Various Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.

08 Feb 2022 - Version 3.8.1

* Added: Added new parameter Partial VIN theme options for VINQuery.

* Updated: Updated language files.

* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.

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