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Off the Shelf - Online Marketing WordPress Theme - V1.4.5

Version: 1.4.5

Item cover for download Off the Shelf - Online Marketing WordPress Theme


Off the Shelf Fall SaleOff the Shelf The Online Marketing Theme - Landing Pages, Online Marketing, Product Landing Pages
Designed to convert, Off the Shelf is the most powerful multi-purpose marketing theme for WordPress!
Highly flexible, fast and efficient, completely customizable and supported by professionals: Whether you are looking for bold, conversion-optimized landing pages, a slick, modern blog or an attractive online store to run your business—Off the Shelf is the only online marketing theme you will ever need to create websites that deliver outstanding results and boost your conversions!

Sell a single product with a bold product landing page, build an online shop or offer your services online—Off the Shelf has your back. With its unique features and beautifully designed templates, it is the most powerful online marketing theme for WordPress.

Stunning, unique designs, all built into a powerful theme.
You can use multiple designs on a single site. Present each of your products with style, give your every ebook its own unique mini-site with separate menu and design, assign each product category in your WooCommerce store a unique look – the possibilities are endless.

Demo templates for any purpose!
We are regularly adding new landing page demo templates – and you can try them out one by one (or use them all at once), without losing any of the pages you have already created, and without spamming your site with unwanted pages and resources.

eBooks, mobile apps for various app stores, downloadable music—a single product or an entire range of products with WooCommerce; a modern business or corporate website, a personal blog: Off the Shelf is the ultimate WordPress theme, the only one you’ll ever need.

v1.4.5 – (2016-09-29)
– Updated user manual, added tutorials
– Improved WooCommerce styling for checkout tables
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11 Oct 2019 - Version 1.4.5
Product Added to the system.
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