- Rev Slider version 6.5.24
- WP Bakery Version 6.9.0
- Allowed tables inside meta content fields
- Custom fields checkbox fix
- WooCommerce 0 cart item fix
- Rev Slider version 6.5.19
- Fixed sorting issue with car rental bookings
- Fixed issue with total reviews not showing correctly on single view
- Fixed date format in emails sent when WooCommerce is not used
- Fixed scrolling of the modal box on mobile devices
- Fixed issue with the_content not firing in certain circumstances on single posts
- Rev Slider version 6.5.16
- Improved custom open tab button functionality
- Added close buttons to review and inquiry forms
- Fixed issue with tax calculation for WooCommerce
- Removed erroneous echo statement from tour helper
- Fixed issue where extra items are charged per accommodation or per person instead of per room or per person
- Fixed issue with extra items add then remove not updating deposit amount in booking form
- Fixed issue with tax-inclusive price amounts not being calculated correctly with WooCommerce
- Fixed issue with wpautop call in extra fields display