* Feature - Added compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
* Tweak - Added links to the plugin settings, the documentation page, and to get support, in the plugin list.
* Tweak - Updated plugin author.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.3.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.1.
* Dev - Implement the singleton pattern in the main plugin class.
* Dev - Updated the minimum requirements to WC 3.5, WP 4.7, and PHP 5.4.
* Dev - Add branch-labels GH workflow.
* Dev - GH release config and the new PR template.
* Fix - Display recipients in emails table.
* Tweak - WC 6.9 compatibility.
Tweak - WC 6.8 compatibility.
Tweak - WC 6.7 compatibility.