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WooCommerce Slack - V1.2.10

Version: 1.2.10

Item cover for download WooCommerce Slack


Receive Slack notifications for events in your WooCommerce-powered store, as they happen!

WooCommerce Slack brings your WooCommerce store into the heart of your Slack channel conversations, allowing you and your team to easily stay ‘in the loop’ on what’s happening in your store with minimal effort.

There are currently seven notification events that can optionally be enabled. You can set a specific channel and emoji for each notification, as well as customize the notification text to your liking!

Some notification types also featured ‘extended notifications,’ allowing to you to optionally send detailed order line items or the content of your reviews, saving you from needing to open up your dashboard to check out your latest orders.

The available notifications in Slack

New Post
New Order
Low on Stock
Out of Stock
New Customer
New Review
Custom Notification Message Builder

You can even customize each notification message to be exactly what you’d like. For example, here is a customization of the New Review notification and how it looks in Slack:

Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 5.44.20 pm

Key Features
7 Notification Types
Easy to Use
Custom Channel / Emoji
Per-Event Specific Channel / Emoji
Custom Notification Messages
Extended Notifications for some notification types
Extensible & Dev-Friendly
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This list only shows little history changelog. See the full changelog of this item --> FULL CHANGELOG.
07 Oct 2022 - Version 1.2.10

* Tweak - Removed empty option from the channel selector fields.

* Tweak - Excluded archived channels from the list.

* Tweak - Increased the number of channels to fetch from Slack to 1000.

* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 7.0.

* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WP 6.0.

* Fix - Fixed missing channels in the selector fields.

* Fix - Fixed warning for calling the deprecated method `WC_Abstract_Legacy_Order::get_product_from_item()`.

01 Apr 2022 - Version 1.2.9

* Fix - Improve mechanics for fetching and updating the list of available channels (props Brian Henry).

* Fix - Removed requests to deprecated `groups.list` endpoint (props Brian Henry).

17 Mar 2021 - Version 1.2.7
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